PDP files complaint with ECB against DPT’s ‘lies, defamation and irresponsible comments’ on media affiliation allegations

Camera 360PDP President also asks DPT to prove its allegations or face a court case

The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president Tshering Tobgay refuted recent allegations made by the Druk Phunsum Tshogpa (DPT) president Jigmi Y Thinley and two DPT candidates at a press conference in Phuntsholing yesterday evening.

The president said a complain letter have been filed with the election commission (ECB) requesting the commission to urgently ask DPT to prove all the allegations made.

He said “if DPT is unable to prove the allegations it exposes them as liars, as cheap politicians willing to go to any end to hold on to power. This is not acceptable in Bhutan. This is not correct for our healthy vibrant democracy that we want.”

“DPT is undertaking an all out negative campaign against PDP. Instead of talking about their own pledges and manifestos, DPT is criticizing our pledges and manifesto both formally and informally with the sole purpose of defaming PDP, by misinforming and misguiding the general public to garner votes,” the president said.

He also referred to a recent allegation made by the DPT president at a public meeting in Tsirang a few days ago that PDP is bribing the media. “This is totally baseless and untrue. It defames PDP and it defames the media,” Tshering Tobgay said.

“On the evening of 24th June 2013, at a press conference on national television, the DPT president went to the extent of alleging that The Bhutanese newspaper and Bhutanomics, a social media website are organs of PDP, formed to discredit DPT. We have no connection, whatsoever, with the social media site or the newspaper. DPT is making these baseless allegations to discredit PDP and to confuse the public,” the complain letter read.

Tshering Tobgay said such negative campaigns, lies, defamation and irresponsible statements from the DPT leadership and candidates are of serious concern not only for PDP but for the whole nation. “We are also concerned that such practices are setting a bad trend and are undermining the nation’s efforts to establish a clean, just and fair election system in our young democracy,” he added.

Tshering Tobgay said the damage inflicted by such allegations on PDP is secondary as it has huge adverse impact on the democratic process.

He said DPT had the opportunity to serve under a democratic system and have had enough experience. “Their president has served in the capacity of a minister and many high posts for many years. We are sad by such a display of character by someone like him.”

The president also refuted allegations made by DPT’s Bongo- Chapcha candidate Ugyen Tshering at a live BBS debate that the PDP president’s brother owns The Bhutanese newspaper. “This is a blatant lie and we invite DPT to justify every allegation made,” Tshering Tobgay said.

“If DPT fails to prove all the allegations, we will have no option but to file a case of defamation in the Royal court of justice,” the PDP president said.

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  1. PDP president is right PDP needs to file a case…. well more than PDP i think DPT needs to file a case against PDP president for bribing people with hot cash in his own constituency…. the fine imposed by ECB is nothing compared to the corruption PDP has done.

    A complain needs to go to ACC also… .. distribution of hot cash by PDP is happeneing in all Districts very soon many case might come up…..

    • Home away from home

      PDP president should be investigated thoroughly for the recent bribery case his constituency. This needs to be investigated and make him responsible as it did happen in his own constituency. If a leader like him wanted to win by bribing people then how can Bhutanese people will trust. A leader should win out of his capability like what DPT president does but opposite to Tshering Tobgye. DPT should put up this case against Tshering Tobgye as this was happened and caught. DPT also put up the case of Mr. Norbu Wangchuk against PDP because the audio recorded clearly showed that PDP, DNT and DCT colluded. How and DDR can let off such a case supported by evidence. All the best

    • you have forgotten that dpt mp in jomotshangkha martshala was the first to bribe people with clothes and she was left with just a warning!

  2. PDP is just doing the opposite of ‘clean, just and fair election’ through their unrealistic pledges and party coalition. PDP says it’s not coalition but beyond doubt it’s coalition. It’s PDP who has violated the constitution. 

  3. If proven, no action?

  4. ECB should take serious actions on such case if democracy needs to be clean and successful.

    • Hot cash bribing is really serious matter. It should be observed with great concern by ECB rather than imposing petty fines by ECB. Imposition of petty fines is nothing when hot cash is not a problem.

  5. All allegations and finger pointing were started by the Ex-OL

  6. Bribing issue in the PDP President’s constituency timed with HE’s visit in the constituency is one of the dirtiest game played by his adversaries to defame him, however nothing can move a person of his caliber.

  7. this is a serious allegation and needs to be probed by ECB and if found true PDP should be punished appropriately. If not true DPT should be punished for lying and misleading public.

  8. It is Ex-OL who was shown path to this cheap politics and it will go long way in setting this type of democracy foundation by Ex-OL.No doubt Ex-OL is intelligent but he doesn’t posses attitude to be leader.

    • Home away from home

      What intelligent you are talking about of EX OL the least option to get that position due to absence of capabable candidates of PDP. He may be intelligent for creating disharmony in the country and the people. He posses no quality of leader and not even MP because he is fond of criticizing one every aspects whether good or bad decisions. Let PDP take the matter to the court and get themself disqualified for the election. 

  9. if PDP is elected.. we know how the government will be. Form the day one they started bribing voter and some false allegation. Briber and recipient should not able allowed to vote for the election led alone for any election. As far the AAC, even Nu. 5 is counted as corrupt practice if misused.

    if DPT is able to proved… Will the PDP dissolved and government will be formed by all DPT?????????? If not what is the action????

    Before anything, better instruments it carefully. I think ECB and Court should not involved since both the side has drag themselves to a point where they showcase every bit and piece of characters they poses…..

  10. at least  they should speak of their own agenda, instead of blaming and defaming each other beyond india and china. it is our country, our democracy, our party and our future government.

    if people are really DRANGPON of peaceful country vote for the party that has long lasting manifesto.


  11. PDP Leader/Ex OLeader is too young and inexperience to be PM .He is too aggressive, diplomatic and inciting to the people of Bhutan. His cheap politics Helicopter/Singye Bolero Campus and Power Tiller will not be able put the public to their Knee. Bhutanese people should think twice before voting to the said party. Bhutan will fall miserably if people opt for change aleast for another 10 years.

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