PDP – stay or go?

Lyenchon Jigmi Y. Thinley

The Prime Minister Jigmi Y. Thinley during the recent Meet the Press session said that the opposition party (PDP), should be disqualified from the next round of elections since they did not meet the June 30 deadline to clear all financial liabilities.

“I imagine the ECB would have disqualified the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) from participating in the next round of elections,” Lyonchhen said. “That is a decision that should have been taken.”

The Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB), through a notification in January 2009, directed the two parties to clear all financial liabilities by June 30 this year.

Lyonchhen said the other (opposition) party didn’t manage to fulfill its requirement within that stipulated time and asked for an extension of two additional weeks.

The Economic affairs minister, Khandu Wangchuk supplemented  that the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) took the communication they received from election commission very seriously, and that it had “not been easy” for DPT to clear the debts.

Lyonchhen said, “What was made very clear to Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) as binding is actually not binding on the opposition party”.

“I think this is election commission’s business not DPT’s,” said Opposition member Damcho Dorji when asked about the Prime Minister’s statement.

Chief Election Commissioner Dasho Kunzang Wangdi said it would be inappropriate to presume anything before the status reports the two parties had submitted is fully reviewed. “We’ll make appropriate decisions once the study is done,” he said.

“No decision was taken on PDP’s request for extension of deadline,” he said, adding June 30 was the deadline to clear the dues, and both the parties were given time until July 16 to submit the party status reports.

“The public fund division is going through the papers and it’ll be further reviewed by the commission,” he said.

The prime Minister asked what would happen to the prominent members of PDP (Opposition Leader Tshering Tobgay and Gasa MP Damcho Dorji), since the party had not fulfilled this very important obligation. “For instance, if DPT had not fulfilled the particular obligation, if the party is disqualified from participating from the next round of elections, can I form another party and continue as if nothing has happened?”

“So I wonder whether the only two members, the leader and the deputy leader of the party will in fact be allowed to participate in the next election.” Lyonchhen said.

“What’s the point in having a law like this?” he asked. “You change the name of the party, do some editing in the party manifesto, and you are there.”

Spokesperson for Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT), Dr. Tandi Dorji said that the decision should be left to the Election Commission of Bhutan. He said whatever ECB decides, every political party must abide.

The Bhutan Kuenyam Party (BKP) Spokesperson Sonam Tobgay, said “it’s no doubt that PDP has passed the deadline, so we have to wait and see what ECB decides and it’s very early to say and react”.

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  1. I found something fishy in about PM commented on it, very fishy

  2. “So I wonder whether the only two members, the leader and the deputy leader of the party will in fact be allowed to participate in the next election.” Lyonchhen said.

    “What’s the point in having a law like this?” he asked. “You change the name of the party, do some editing in the party manifesto, and you are there.””

    I was shocked to read such comments from Prime Minister. The Election Bill had been passed by the parliament members and please don’t say “whats the point in having a law like this”.

  3. Its all about word game. We all know how good he is at playing with words.

  4. Really funny guys, if the DPT had not paid their dues, the three idiots above would be saying that the DPT should be banned. Now suddenly when the PM mentions it about the PDP, people find something fishy in it and some are shocked.

  5. nobody has raised this issue. there is only idiot who raised it and that is JYT.

    • Apkado, you never fail to amuse, for you, if the OL raises an issue about the DPT not following certain rules than it is okay, if however, the PM raises a legitimate question about the PDP and their finances, than he is an idiot, come on everyone knows who the idiots are.

      • Mr. Monk…change ur name….it doenst suit the meaning of it with you blabbering about others being idiots

        • People who make idiotic statements need to be called idiots, read the 3 statements and see if they make any sense. My point is that the PM has done nothing wrong and if the situation had somehow been reversed the OL would have questioned the legitimacy of the DPT.

          So if you want to debate, I am game, but please don’t try and take cheap pot shots, it is unbecoming of someone who call himself ‘truth.

    • i’m just using the word you brought up. You have the usual bag of vocabulary like ‘idiot’ etc. PM’s question is more than raising questions about finances,he (and you) are questioning the eligibility of the PDP. why don’t you first point out the rules that support the PM’s point?

      • Haha, stop joking, if the DPT were in the position PDP were in, you would be the first one shouting that DPT should be disqualified, thats why I call you an idiot for complaining when the PM does it.

      • Btw, it is the ECB that made the rules and not the DPT, so if you have any complaints address them to the ECB, it is not the DPT that made the rules about party finances.

      • If the DPT were in the position of PDP, ie not in power, who would give a shit? After all they would not have had the chance to prove their incompetence. But they are in power and they have proven their incompetence. So there is a need to get them out before they do more damage.

        • Haha, why don’t you stop making a nuisance of yourself, how on earth do you think you are going to vote out of power, do you actually believe that the majority of the Bhutanese populace think the same way as you.

        • If you haven’t realized we’re in a democracy. People have votes but need some convincing as to which way to vote. This is called campaigning. I’m campaigning against the DPT. So of course DPT hardcore nuts like you will find it a ‘nuisance’.  Get used to it. Once another party is in power, you can do the same thing I’m doing.

          • Lets have this conversation sometime in 2013, when the elections are doen and dusted. But believe me, even if we do debate something, it will be with some substance and not for the sake of arguing like you seem to be doing.

  6. Where is that law you are referring, Mr. PM??

  7. The PM raised a pertinent point regarding what happens if a party becomes financially defunct. The ECB rules require a party to be financially solvent to be eligible. But what happens with a company becomes bankrupt? the company can file for bankruptcy and the share holders can invest in another company.

    So what is wrong if the PDP were to file for bankruptcy and start a new party? What is wrong with that? What is the point of bringing down eligible candidates in the interest of furthering democracy in Bhutan? So that we can have JYT and Co back again and again? Democracy is about having choices and we should not lose sight of the larger picture even though we’re being brought down to a very very petty level by none other than the PM. 

    • Wow, what kind of analysis is this, no wonder PDP has a hard time convincing people to vote for them.

    • Now i came to know why DPTS members have put more intrest on their benefits. Firstly they have raised their salaries almost by 100%. Secondly they have came up with poposal for many benefits. At last they have refunded their Previous Quota of Yaris Car and Claimed Quota for Toyota Landcruiser. But Few bought the Prado most of MPS have sold their Quota. With those money they might have cleared their Dues.

      • Why are you worrying about the DPT, you should be more concerned with PDP and as to whether they would be allowed to contest in the 2013 general elections.

        • I am not worrying about DPT if you really read and got my points. Our Honourable prime Minister is trying to attack PDP personally, And disqualification of parties,date extensions,and so on will be done by ECB n why Lyonchen is so concerned about that. If he is really concerned it is better for him to resign frm the post of Lyonchen and contest for Election Commissioner. After all it is the duty of Election and as far as we are concerned they are doing very well. Any way no heart feelings just my view points.

          • One question for you and please give me straight answer, if the PDP had paid their dues and DPT had not, don’t you think that the OL would have done exactly what the PM is doing. If you maintain that the OL would have not, than you win and I give up.

          • Monk, I dont have to answer it and being Prime minister and Opposition Leader they should know the law and rules and the dealing comission or orginisation will deal it. This are pitty issues and one should fell ashame of raising it here. Better if our Pm will come out issues like Gyalposhing Land Scam, Chang Uguen,Bhutan Lottery, Bhutan Post and so on we might appreciate.

  8. such moves are made by politicians the world over confuse the general public to gain support and stay in npower.

    We should be prepared to hear numerous such remarks in the days ahead also from our politicians! So be aware friends….and heed only what is factual.

  9. i feel PM is rite though i dnt support him or his party ,btw i dnt support ny of the present party.bt i do believe its’ rite for PM.

  10. Ap Kado and The monk,come on you guys,this is politics.
    OL would have said the same if DPT were in this position.What is the use fighting between you and me?Instead if I were you I would like to enjoy their fight.

  11. Thought PM is good in his own STRENGTH and not on the WEAKNESSES of his opposition. Cheap shot indeed!

  12. PM must be shit afraid of PDP challenge this time around, else this is no business of his to indirectly command ECB to disqualify the PDP from contesting the 2013 election. PDP can in the same way pressurize ECB to disqualify DPT for their inability to run a country. For as far as i see, DPT has done below average job as the ruling govt. for the past 5 years. More than being fruitful they have made a mess of the country and it rules.

  13. I am sure that PDP have high chance of winning this time, We would like to encourage capable and loyal peoples who wish to contest in 2013 to go for PDP. We wish if Lyonpo Sangay comes back so that PDP will grow monre stronger and we will be cent percent confident.

  14. Agey haap, when the OL attacks PM on each and every petty issue as you call it, it is ok for you I guess. But when the PM makes a issue on something important such as party funding, you feel ashamed. This is politics man and if you don’t like the law , go to the ECB and complain,

    • the mond, you are really a DPTS pet dog, you barks to each and every body who is against DPT but it is for sure that you cant make any difference here until and unless DPT Ministers and MPS change their attitude.

  15. I feel that if any individual or party leader was in the shoes of the PM, he would make similar remarks in this situation against the PDP. Why wouldn’t he and why shouldn’t he? With the elections just around the corner, this is the perfect opportunity to discredit and disqualify the opposition party from contesting. A party that by far stands as the biggest threat given their presence in the Dzongkhags and past experience. And perhaps for once, it is not under a petty reason. It is being done under legitimate reasons backed by national legal frameworks.
    We all have our views and it matters for they can have an equally important effect on our families, friends, community and society at large, specially in deciding who to vote for with 6 parties now in the pipeline for the upcoming election. But let us try to have an objective view, one that is devoid of prejudice and malice and one that can ultimately help those in the country that can’t help themselves. A view that will help those people who look upto educated individuals such as yourselves,the readers of this very post for guidance and leadership.
    If they saw the kind of debates that were being pursued, then one day they may stop looking to us for advise and leadership.

  16. “The Economic affairs minister, Khandu Wangchuk supplemented that the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) took the communication they received from election commission very seriously, and that it had “not been easy” for DPT to clear the debts.”

    Lyonpo Khandu is lying. Chang Ugyen sold off some of the stolen land to pay off DPT’s debt. Infact it has been very easy. All they had to do was, promise Change Ugyen that he won’t be prosecuted and in return Chang Ugyen cleared off their debt and gets to keep the rest of the land or replace the land with some worthless piece of land from elsewhere.

    Haha, above is my imagination at work, but if they don’t deal with the above case, that is how I am going to think they cleared off their debt.

    By the way, what if all opposition parties disqualify? Will there be an election? Will there be a government? Or is JYT planning to run the country as a real dictator? Other times he’s seen off as doing many things “to strengthen democracy”, but in this case, he’s quite eager to see opposition parties get disqualified.

    If he really cared for “democracy” of Bhutan as he says, he should be requesting the ECB for a time extension for the other parties instead of asking for their disqualification. We want to see some new parties, and new people and have the ability to choose.

    Mark my words, this man knows what he wants for himself, and does things that benefits himself. Not the people. Not the country. Not the king. Behind those rosy things he speaks, lies a very self obsessed, selfish hypocrite.

  17. Tshering P your perception is totally wrong, write a view that get into the ear of others. As per the media report they cleared the dues via the contribution from their MPs.

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