People frustrated with over flow of sewage waste along and around Norzin lam

People residing in the Norzin Lam area are frustrated with terrible sewerage waste overflowing in Norzin lam areas especially along Norling building and city bus parking area because apart from the unbearable stench that this spilling results in and the difficulties people faces, this sewerage water is also posing a serious health hazard to the public.

The sewerage problem that is occurring in Norzin lam area is because the sewerage network which was started 23 years ago was designed with the capacity of 12,500 people residing in and around Norzin lam area but with rapid urbanization and increase in population and related infrastructure, even nearby places like Changangkha, Yangchenphug and NPPF colony area use the same line.

Shrijana from Sewerage Division under Thimphu thromde said that the sewerage project which started in 1992 and was completed in 1996 was designed for about only 12,500 people residing across Norzin lam. With urbanization, though the number of people and infrastructure like residential and commercial building has increased significantly, people are using the same sewer line.

She said, “In addition to this problem, hotels, restaurants and even meat shops located in Norzin lam are throwing their kitchen wastes like plastic bottles, cloths and sanitary pads in the inspection chamber which is originally meant for only toilet waste.”

She also added that, “Even the rain water from the roof are diverted into inspection chamber which adds up to the problem.

Thromde has strictly instructed building owners to maintain a drainage system for passage of rain water but despite several warning or penalties imposed, building owner does not follow our rules.”

Sonam Choden 29, who owns a shop near Norling building said, “The sewerage problem in Norzin lam areas is not a new case and we witness overflowing of waste water from manhole which is located right at the center of the road where hundreds of people and vehicles pass by. It doesn’t look good especially in the middle of the town.”

She said, “Thromde as a regulatory authority is responsible to ensure that problem like this does not happen and even if it does, Thromde should at least repair it but what is happening currently is that we have to call Thromde people and tell them to repair it. Sometimes officials do not turn up and when they do they do only half of the work and the same problem starts over again in following days or weeks.”

Another shopkeeper, Kezang Wangmo said, “Thimphu Thromde wants to redesign Norzin lam by pedestrianizing it by creating a pleasant walking environment through reclaiming the road and car park space for pedestrian malls and cycle paths, building kiosks for street and FnB activities as well as keeping cars to the parallel roads but what people really need for now is proper basic facilities like road, water supply and sewerage system.”

She said, “Concerned authority that is Thimphu Thromde has either turned a blind eye to this sewerage problem or announced that concerned department is looking into the matter and then it is forgotten as time passes by.”

Sonam Dema,, a passenger said, “The city bus parking where hundreds of people gather is one of the most unhygienic places in Thimphu Throm. On 22nd May, there was overflow of waste water from manhole where buses and taxis are parked which was causing serious problem for passengers. The next day, we were hoping that thromde official would fix the problem but the situation was even worse and instead of fixing the problem, thromde official were busy digging the road on the other side of the town creating another problem for the public.”

Thimphu thromde is planning to pedestrianize Norzin lam and upgrading of sewerage system is one major part of Pedestrianization.

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