Residents in Phuentsholing can finally look forward to some degree of normalcy as the lockdown restrictions are cautiously lifted. This is being done to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Mega Zone I, extending from Doti Khola towards Samtse side, and Mega Zone II, the area from Kharbandi gate to Doti Khola or core area, have relaxed its movement restrictions, as residents there are first allowed to move within their sub-zones and then on 10th August onwards more movement was allowed. The shops are allowed to open from 6 am till 8 pm, and restaurants are allowed to operate. The vegetable market will be allowed to operate on 50 percent capacity only, and constructions and operation of factories and industries activities are allowed in a self-containment mode.
Meanwhile, Mega Zone III, which extends beyond the Kharbandi gate towards Pasakha, entered the green phase, as there were no positive cases detected. Therefore, offices and institutions are now open. The business establishments including automobile workshops can operate from 8 am to 7 pm. The restaurants and bars are to operate with only 50 percent seating capacity, construction works can resume, factories and industries can operate at full capacity, public transports can resume at 50 percent seating capacity, export and imports can be carried out as per the protocols prescribed by the Southern COVID-19 Task Force (SC19TF).
Inter-dzongkhag travel is to be facilitated as per the existing protocol, non-contact sports can be played, spa and salon or beauty parlors are being allowed to operate, as per the approved SOP. Movement of people and vehicles are restricted after 9 pm.
The maximum number of shops with all the essential goods are located in the core town or Mega Zone II in Phuentsholing.
Mega Zone I and Mega Zone II saw unlocking happening from 10th August. There are five sub-zones in Mega Zone II.
Phase III unlocking, which will provide greater mobility of people, from 10 August. Although the schools in Phuentsholing will remain closed for this academic year, however, the students from PP to VIII will continue with the online learning. There are two schools in Zone I and three schools and a college in Zone II.
Once the pandemic is under control, schools will incorporate a blended mode of teaching and learning, where students will learn in person and virtually as well.
However, a 35-year-old male tested positive on the RT-PCR at the flu clinic yesterday evening in Phuentsholing just after the unlocking notification was released for mega zone 1 and 2 allowing public transport, inter-Dzongkhag movement, opening of shops, and various activities.
There are 10 people working at the same store along with other tenants at the same building.
All the contacts are vaccinated. Contract tracing is in full swing. The Building has been just cordoned off, and primary contacts are being transferred to facility quarantine.