PM meets the Commerce Ministers of SAARC countries

The SAARC Secretary General, Commerce Ministers and Heads of delegation from the SAARC member countries who are attending the Eighth SAFTA Ministerial Council Meeting made a joint call on to Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay .

During the call on which was on 24th July , Lyonchhen and the heads of delegations discussed about the need for more economic integration, ensuring regional connectivity, increasing competitiveness and diversifying trade opportunities within the SAARC member countries.

Lyonchhen said that history, legacy, culture and common threads of geography connect the SAARC nations but “we are as common as no other place on earth and if there is a region that can rise up to fulfilling its potential, it is South Asia. We will be able to achieve our goals by SAARC and through SAARC.”

He also said, that the member countries need to use the potential of the region to add value to SAARC.

Although SAFTA is progressing, Lyonchhen requested the member countries to make extra effort to work together as a region. He said that having reliable neighbour sassured trustworthiness among the nations and SAARC would go a long way in conscientiously accomplishing common aspirations of the region.

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