Lyonchhen Jigmi Y Thinley arrived in New Delhi on 19 September en-route to Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh, India where the Prime Minister will attend the foundation stone laying ceremony of Sanchi University of Buddhist and Indic Studies on 21st September, along with Mahinda Rajapaksa the President of Sri Lanka.
Lyonchhen was received at the Indira Gandhi International Airport by the Foreign Secretary, Joint Secretary, Chief of Protocol and officials from the Ministry of External Affairs.
The Prime Minister arrived at Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 20th September where he was received at the Raja Bhoj Airport by Ram Naresh Yadav the Governor of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh Chauhan the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh and senior officials from the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
In Bhopal, Lyonchhen met the Chief Minister where Lyonchhen conveyed his gratitude for being invited to Madhya Pradesh.
Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan congratulated Lyonchhen for taking the philosophy of GNH to a global level and said that happiness is crucial for inner peace of every sentient being and that he personally believes happiness will not grow even if GDP does. Mr. Chauhan said the people of Madhya Pradesh is pleased to receive Lyonchhen and the Bhutanese delegation for the foundation stone laying ceremony for a Buddhist University, and fortunate to get all kinds of guidance and assistance for the same.
Lyonchhen also conveyed he is happy to know that Madhya Pradesh and their leaders are aware and trust the philosophy of GNH. Lyonchhen said that economic prosperity alone is not enough for this global world and happiness is. Lyonchhen congratulated Chief Minister Chauhan for the growth and prosperity of Madhya Pradesh ever since he became the Chief Minister and said that this Buddhist University is an opportunity to co-operate in Buddhist studies and further strengthen the friendship and bond between Bhutan and India.
In the afternoon Lyonchhen also met Ram Naresh Yadav, the Governor of Madhya Pradesh at the Raj Bhavan in Bhopal where they discussed issues of mutual interest.
Towards the evening Lyonchhen met the seven Bhutanese students studying in Bhopal and shared updates on the happenings back home. Lyonchhen reminded them that they are fortunate to have been enrolled in such good universities in Madhya Pradesh and reminded them that as India grows economically Bhutan will grow simultaneously. All the seven students are boys studying civil engineering and architecture.
Lyonchhen after attending the foundation stone laying ceremony at Sanchi headed back to New Delhi in the evening.
Lyonchhen will travel directly to New York on the 23 September 2012 from India to attend the High-Level Segment of the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, which will start from 25 September, 2012 in New York. Lyonchhen will be accompanied by a delegation comprising of Lyonpo Khandu Wangchuk, the Minister-in-Charge for Foreign Affairs, Dasho Karma Rangdol, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, Dasho Penden Wangchuk, Cabinet Secretary, Dasho Yeshey Dorji, Foreign Secretary, Ambassador Daw Penjo, and other officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cabinet Secretariat.
Lyonchhen will address the United Nations General Assembly on 28 September, 2012. He will also participate in a number of important side events including the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Forum of Small States, where he will deliver the keynote address on “Small States and their Drive to Development”.
Lyonchhen will meet a number of Heads of States and Governments and other dignitaries to seek support for Bhutan’s candidature for the UNSC for the term 2013-2014 as well as pursue other issues of bilateral and multilateral interests such as issues related to sustainable development, post 2015 development agenda and will the Happiness Initiative launched by Bhutan.
Our Hon’ble Lyonchen is yet again out of the country…one wonders how many days he is actually in the country he is PM of! And this against the backdrop of the economic woes the kingdom is struggling against?
Don’t rack your brains trying to find out how many days HPM has been out of the country, it will do your health no good, as it is your mind seems to be wandering all over the place. What economic woes are you talking about, as far as I am concerned, we are hardly facing a crisis, if you take whatever this paper writes as the gospel truth, than you are beyond redemption.
yah we can understand that. we know why Pedestrian day. we know why selling Trowa theater is good for the country. So if people bhutanese are all like you. Then keep preaching your so called GNH. And wh think we don’t believe.
This article is about PMs visit to Madya Pradesh and NYC, so stop bringing up the Trowa Theater and PDay issues here, the two have been discussed at length on some other threads and hence has no relevance to what is being debated here.
It is important for everyone of us to understand why PM is moving out time and again. Many of his tour is as per the invitation of outside countries. As a very small country, we cannot afford to refuse their invitations. Repercussion could be in many forms. Many may be disliking Jigme Y Thinley as a person but if you look at him as the Prime Minister of Bhutan, then result would be different.
If that’s what he loves to do, pack him off.
Remember it is in our hands. Few cronies and his large family members do not represent a nation. The majority is fed up with his delusion of grandeur.
We need a PM who will stay home and clean the place and fix many things like rupee crisis, growing unemployment, drug abuse, child malnutrition and many more
So you think the PM has gone on a holiday, please keep such stupid remarks to yourself, the only thing it tells us is your level of intelligence or rather the lack of it.
I agree with u ” good”. A petty paper supported by petty commentators.
Sometime back our Lonchen visited Bihar, one of the states in India. Now he has visited Madhyapradesh & now in NY. I have heard that Bhutan is trying to get seat in the UNSC. I hope many countries will support this including India. If Bhutan is selected as a UNSC member, Bhutan should use its power to solve Syrian problem. The socalled Opposition is not an actual opposition. They are Gnolops to Syrian Govt. And Gnolop is Gnolop. If Gnolop is allowed to destroy Syrian state, our Bhutanese Gnolop will also destroy our country.
So HE PM should support Syrian Govt who is struggling to survive. Please don’t be a puppet to NATO countries and US. I am sure our HE can solve these international problems through Chairmanship if Bhutan is voted in & our HE is a prolific orator & thinker, HE can do it. I will pray to Konchosum.
Forget about solving problem in Syria ,we have a long pending to be cleared first in Bhutan.
Bilateral relations are very important for we are dependent on aids and grants from outside. If our Lyonchen does not move out frequently there will be full stop on all the grants. In fact, Lyonchen is begging to feed the people of Bhutan and in turn we are all back-lashing him. We are exercising our right enshrined by the democracy, but we are at the same time neglecting our duties by infringing the rights of others using “HATE SPEECHES and OFFENSIVE SPEECHES”. Even if one has personal grudge against PM, please take up the case face to face instead of writing all the hate speeches anonymously.
It’s sad that we as Bhutanese have become so pathetic, our PM goes to Bhopal and New York and we have people complaining. For heavens sake, please stop complaining when there is actually nothing to be complaining about.
I agree that Lyonchoen is going to tie up bilateral relationship. But dont agree that he is begging alms to feed Bhutanese people. If so then that is not the right solution. How long will we beg?Is it sustainable? We got to learn to survive on our own feet. The current govt, ofcourse the term is almost over, should have given emphasis to strengthen our economy t o become self reliant, boosts industrialization to absorbed most of the unemployed drug addicted youths. But instead they have brought rupee crisis, many declarations like Carbon neutral and COP 15 which are against the industrialization. When we say he is going out looking for alms in the name of GNH, I strongly oppose.
In the name of democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of everything-it is very saddening to note that the people of Bhutan who once hesitated to look at the faces of the elder citizens are spitting at their faces now. We have degraded to such an extent that we will never ever equal those early days. If the present Govt. is not delivering what they are suppose to deliver, then oust them out in the next election but why threaten them. This will take us no where!
This is not degradation. This is a natural and healthy evolution in a democratic society.
You just blindly state that our elders are right all the time. We respect them but i don’t respect them blindly.
There are reasons why people complain, and I really don’t think it’s just for the sake of complaining. It is a fact that the PM is globe trotting on the average more times than other leaders of smaller countries like ours. Most leaders avoid attending the UN General Assembly, or if they do, its just for a day or two. However our PM spends weeks in New York and from what I hear, even has the time to leisure in playing golf. This is a luxury that a leader of a small poor country can least afford. It is right for us to complain when our leader should be spending more time with his ministers and advisors on how to steer out of the present preventable economic mess we have landed ourselves in. He should be more inside than outside preaching GNH to the developed countries, when his/our people still live without the basics of life.I trust that while campaigning in the 2008 elections, he has visited most of our remote villages and has witnessed first hand the wretched lives of our poor simple farmers. And yet, he chooses to fly high on the international arena, giving his hosts the impression that he is the champion of the poor, needy and the down throdden.He has and will continue to recieve awards and kudos from the unsuspecting, but ultimately the best judge will be our own people who are now realizing the true worth of our own great leader.
The PM also gets things done for the country, why are you nitpicking about the PM playing golf, most leaders play golf.
The PM is out there globe trotting to book a seat for himself in the UN or any other international agency after he is done with politics. At the same time, he is looking for tourists for his daughter’s travel company. Don’t fool yourself thinking he is going there to beg for us. The plight of the people of Bhutan is of least concern to him.
I feel sad for you if you feel that way, good luck to you.
I am not so much worried abou t pm,s trips abroad, but terribly worried about dire economic conditions at home. There is doom and gloom overcasting our mood. I expect government to at least inject a dose of optimism or happiness to otherwise gloomy situation at present. When a country is mired in corruption, scandals, economic woes we expect responsible leaders to come forward and share thoughts and cheer up our mood.
people of Bhutan let us not forget the era of DPT and not make the same mistake in future. let us all join hand and vote for 2013. choose better govt.
All those who don’t want DPT to be voted in to power in 2013 should provide the people of Bhutan an alternative party to vote for, as far as I am concerned, I don’t see any other viable party coming up that can seriously challenge the DPTs position.
So don’t waste your time mouthing things like “people of Bhutan should never forget the DPT era” go out and do something about it. Even if DPT were to lose the next elections, which at present looks highly unlikely, given the calibre of the opposition parties, one thing good would come out of it, we at least won’t have people complaining about the PM going New York.
Birla, I think you should check with the Finance Ministry how many millions the PM has brought back from his many trips abroad. Many of the donors had already pledged their support for the 10th Five Year Plan before the present govt. took over. You should also ask the Finance Ministry on how much money is being spent on the PM’s and his large entourages . His trips abroad was initially to sell GNH and then followed by campaigning to secure a seat in the Security Council of the UN. Ask also, how much is being spent to woo support. Here, I doubt whether we can win a seat in the council, and even if we did, the only benifit would be to feed the large ego of our PM.We may even land ourselves in very awkward and difficult positions. Small and vulnerable countries like ours should stay low profiled and focus more on economic and social progress of our people.
Some of us share these opinions which may appear to be against the PM, but be rest assured, we love our country more and nothing will stop us from expressing our honest opinions. Yes, we should face him directly to express our feelings, but unfortunately, he does not take views contrary to his, too kindly. Keep writing and let us have lively and honest discussions on the state of our nation and also keep our leaders on their toes.
Usha, please correct as usa instead of Birla.
If people want to keep our leaders on their toes, they need to be more constructive in their criticism, rather than nitpicking on trivial matters. They also need to stop stooping so low so as to attack them personally.
the PM is not on a vacation. bhutan is a small country and the most important thing for us and especially our future generation is our sovereignty. today, bhutan is very much know in the global arena and that too with a positive light. what are you guys complaining about? maybe those who think it is wrong to keep good international relations when bhutan is still very dependent on grants, are those who do not have the best interest of the country at heart.
Is our sovereignty at threat? In that case we should encourage our PM to take more expensive trips abroad with large followings.
Our most respected K4 did all that was needed to secure the sovereignty and security of our nation. His Majesty’s last gift to the nation was the signing of a new treaty of friendship with India to replace the the 1949 one. So much was done and one only has to hear from our seniors where Bhutan was in the 70’s and where we are now. We never heard of His Majesty taking numerous trips abroad to achieve what He has achieved.
In todays context the question of territorial protection is less important to economic strength. Today, our country is going through the worst ecomomic crisis and we are in self denial along with our present leaders.
Our concerns may be construed as criticisms and personal attacks, but please be reassured, we are only stating facts and not conjuring it up out of compulsion to merely attack the PM and his government.
“In today’s context the question of territorial protection is less important to economic strength. Today, our country is going through the worst ecomomic crisis and we are in self denial along with our present leaders”.
The above statement quoted by usa is not true at all, just see the political outfall between China and the Japan over some Islands which both countries claim, subsequently Taiwan has also laid claims to those same Islands. China refers to the islands as the Diaoyu Islands, whereas neighboring Taiwan refers to them as the Tiaoyutai Islands. Japan, meanwhile, is adamant they be called the Senkaku Islands. Closer home, see how India and Pakistan are still fighting for control over the Siachen glacier.
Another falsehood is the statement that our country is going through the worst economic crisis, just like every country in the world, our economy is also suffering because of the prevailing circumstances in the Eurozone.
Sino-Japanese territorial problem is not similar to our problem with China. They have past differences and grudges whereas ours is different. There is vast natural resources in the vicinity of that disputed island whereas our wilderness mountains do not have much economic value. Moreover, PM going abroad frequently to other countries except China will never solve Bhutan-China boundary problem.
That’s why China has been encroaching on our territory because our wilderness mountains do not have any economic value, haven’t you seen how much land we have lost to China, the map of Bhutan has changed beyond recognition.
The boundary issue with China is a burning one since time immemorial. Our PM has been lobbying for the last 4.5 years to secure non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council with the hope of addressing the boundary issue with China. Therefore, his foreign trips have become indispensable for the benefit of the Country and the people. If we do not acquaint ourselves with other countries at international forum like UN meetings and other similar gatherings, so that Bhutan do not become another Tibet and Sikkim. We guys are simply posting rustic in the forum.
I think it is waste of effort and time to lobby for seat in security council. In the first place, the tenure for non-permanent member is only one year that is too short to do anything concrete; besides SC is always dominated by five permanent member and remaining countries are there only as cheer leaders. Also, it is not sure whether we will get this seat since we have to compete with south Korea and Cambodia. only one out of these three countries will get one year tenure in SC. Even if we get it is not at all a big deal; we wont have any say in SC. Nepal has become member in the past and they did not achieve anything. I think our PM should spend more time at home and solve the present economic crisis instead of wasting time and effort in globe trotting.
Exactly. I don’t find any reason to woo for a seat at the UNSC. It is better to join WTO than becoming a member at the UNSC which our PM has blocked completely (citing WTO is incompatible with GNH prinsiples) despite the support of two prominent Cabinet Ministers.
A person with negative attitude always ruins himself, family, society and country finally. Just sitting idle at home will brew nothing. The PM can not do farming for the people. While abroad, he is cementing Diplomatic and Bilateral relations with other countries to beg assistance and grants to feed all of us who are selfish, greedy, jealous etc. Some times we should learn to appreciate the deeds of others if one can not do it himself.
Like someone said above, i too do not recommend begging from others. As a leader he should stay home and rather work towards encouraging our people to work hard and he as a leader must bring forth ideas on how to achieve economic self-reliance. I am not sure whether he actually goes on begging like some people have mentioned above.
Through the wisdom and farsight of our Kings, especially K4, ours is a soverign, independent country. Our borders with India in the south have been amicably demarcated without any dispute and our borders with the north are in the process of being demarcated. From the little I have read and heard, the Chinese are very accomodating and fully respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bhutan and that, we are also very close to finalizing our northern border. Our getting a seat in the SC of the UN will have absolutely no impact on our border talks with China. As I said before, the sovereign and independent status of Bhutan is thanks only to the Monarchs in the past and present – from Gongser Jigme Namgye to the present.
Yes, continuity must be maintained and good relations with all countries are essential for small countries like Bhutan and our PM and Acting FM are doing their part. However, we should not also go over board, and remind ourselves, of our size,
strength and capacity. We should not bite more than we can chew.Please, do not compare our situation with that of India, China, Japan and Pakistan. They are in a totally different league altogether.
As far as our economy is concerned, the Eurozone problems may have had very little impact on our economy. For us, its more what happens in India and within Bhutan. Here, one has to fully understand why we are in the rut we are in, the Rupee crunch and the resultant fall
Again I have no choice but to go back to the present governments inability to plan sound fiscal and monetory policies and to having anticipated the rupee dificit, as indications and warning bells were rung well in advance, but they did not heed it, rather massive unprecedented spendings continued without abating, till the rest of nation woke up to this mess, that unfortunately, is not going away soon. Our people are going to feel the pinch, and signs of the depression are already showing. Therefore, let us acknowledge the problem and collectively do something about it. We should be ready to make sacrifices, work hard and let the Bhutanese ingenuity and resourcefulness come out for the greater good of our country.
So stop complaining and playing the blame game. Just like the Euro Zone crisis, I don’t think anyone could have predicted the rupee crunch too. If these things could have been foreseen, then we would never have a crisis on our hands.
And by the way, the Eurozone crisis is effecting the Indian economy adversely which in turn is affecting us too. What I mean to say is that we are no more immune to what happens in other parts of the world.
our PM should be made permanent tourist from Land Of thunder Dragon. So that he can travel around the world. I just wonder what he is up to. Anyways DPT is finish now.
DPT is finish now, who says so, can you elaborate please?
In my view, the economic mess we are in is a result of short sighted misplaced development priorities and lack of thinkers in the decision making bodies and also due to populist measures such as constructing roads even to doorsteps of influential people in remote corners that benefits only few people, building infrastructures such as airports that is underutilized and badly built, traveling frequently abroad by govt. officials and ministers including PM in large number at the expense of govt revenue and donor funds that are meant to uplift socio-economic conditions of large number of poor people in Bhutan, allowing people to draw loans from bank for vehicles and construction activities without realizing that Bhutan does not even manufacture simple things like nails and hammers and everything have to be imported———the list of mismanagement of economies goes on and on.
I have begun to fear that Bhutan will land up in more difficulties if pseudo-intellectuals in Bhutan do not stop showing double face and come to realization that many things do not work well at home. Sooner this is done better it is for well being of Bhutanese. The most important characteristics or hall mark of greatness of leaders is to discover inner faults and stop riding on the wings of perceived greatness. I wonder whether we have such leader in Bhutan except our 4th and most loved monarch.
It is so sad to see how people perceive things through their narrows lens…For gods sake, if you as a citizen can not do any good to your country, please stop bothering those people who are trying their best to bring positive changes in a society…Learn to appreciate and acknowledge their efforts for Roam wasn’t built in a day….
Hats Off to my Visionary Leaders…
Because these guys do not see beyond PDP, DPT , DNT or whatever political parties.
Like others in this forum, i am a concerned citizen and always hoping good for Bhutan and Bhutanese; but when things do not happen as i expect, the inner fire within me wants to raise contrary viewpoints. One important thing i would like to see is Bhutan developing diplomatic relation with our northern neighbor but with tacit understanding and cooperation from our southern neighbor. In this way, we secure our borders and sovereignty, and develop economy rather than lobbying for one year stint as security council member.
The other important initiative i would have liked the present government to do is to reform RCSC system. It is high time we reform RCSC and rationalize it so that all is happy in Bhutan. The present civil service system does not allow both horizontal and vertical development of Bhutanese bureaucracy and private sector. One concrete measure i would like to propose is to delink operation category of civil service and give responsibilities of such tasks to private sectors. This category of services include drivers, clerks, sweepers, peons, ESP, security guards etc. Such tasks could very well be handled by organized private sector. If this is done, civil service in professional and support services categories could develop, in terms of number and specialization.
The other important reform i would have liked is to bring in some FDI in agriculture, industries, tourism and retailing. Such reform will bring in cash, knowledge and jobs. I do not see any initiative from the government in this regard. Hydro power development is fine but equally there is need to diversify our economic activities. I was dismayed when one of the DPT ministers emphasized that hydro power is the only back bone of Bhutanese economy. I wonder what will happen to our economy if there is a big earthquake and dams are damaged, or if India refuse to buy our power!!!
I think DPT term is soon going to be over, but if the party wants second term we would like to see clear cut policies rather than harping the strings of GNH wherever they go. I do not disagree with GNH as our guiding development principle, but strongly object to it when it is used as tool to hold national, international conferences and meetings and wasting time of productive civil servants organizing such meetings and conferences on frequent basis. Let guiding principle be what it is, but practical aspects of socioeconomic up-liftment should feature high on development agenda, rather than always discussing such abstract principle in all aspects of gatherings.
Survival tactic like man vs wild(2013) .
Bjam gongdo beuw da Japey abu matsha…watever the pm is doing..he is doing gud for all of us(lazy barking bhutanese)…stop barking and pray 4 his gud health and life..
I pay homage to Three jewels not worldly GODs and Leaders. and you sycophants(jam).