A 39-year-old man, Gyembo, from Punakha was arrested on February 8, in connection to the Olakha homicide case that took place on January 13. The suspect was handed over to the Punakha police by a person who had held the suspect and alerted the police. In a press conference, the Chief of Police, Brigadier Kipchu Namgyel, said that a reward of Nu 20,000 was given to the person on Ferbuary 12.
After an extensive investigation, the police found that the suspect has a past criminal record, where he was convicted for one year and three months. The suspect was also found to be a drug addict.
History of the murder crime
The incident took place in the evening of 12 January 2015, in the suspect’s apartment at the Central Plaza building, Olakha, Thimphu. Another man, Dorji Wangchuk, was allegedly in the suspect’s apartment along with the homicide victim, Phub Tshewang.
As per Gyembo’s story to the police, he had invited Phub Tshewang over for a dinner. He said an argument had broken out between them while preparing the dinner. Both of them were allegedly under the influence of drugs at the time.
The arugment had then led to a physical fight. Gyembo allegedly struck the victim with an object repeadly, leaving the victim unconscious. It is alleged that Gyembo threw the victim off the apartment balcony after Dorji Wangchuk had left the apartment.
The body of the victim was found at around 7:30AM on January 13. After which the police reached the crime scene and found a trail of blood leading to Gyembo’s apartment. The police also found the clothes drenched with blood thrown into the river nearby.
According Brigadier Kipchu Namgyel, Gyembo is, beyond a reasonable doubt, the prime murder suspect. The police have, as evidence, the retrieved clothes stained with blood and the crime scene, the apartment, is also secured.
The police are on the lookout for the second person, Dorji Wangchuk, who was present during the time when the crime occurred. Gyembo has allegedly told the police that Dorji Wangchuk has played no role during the incident.
However, the Chief of Police said that that Dorji Wangchuk is wanted as a witness in the case. The police said he should surrender himself to the police, prove his innocence, or else there will be heavier charges imposed if the arrest is made by the police.
According to the Chief of Police, such a heinous crime was caused by petty issues. He said many of the atrocious crimes recorded have started with minor issues. The police have recorded 19 homicide cases in 2013 and nine cases in 2014 in the country.