Police arrest three drug dealers in Thimphu within one week

The drugs bust in Thimphu made by the RBP

The Royal Bhutan Police (RPB) in Thimphu arrested three people for possession and illegal transaction of controlled substances in the span of one week.

A 32-year-old man from Trashiyangtse was arrested on May 14 from a hotel in Phuntsholing when a clandestine informer reported to the RBP that a DCM truck was ferrying two boxes of contraband from Phuntsholing to Thimphu.

The Police upon receiving the details of the truck and the driver transporting the contraband intercepted it in Changzamtog. When interrogated, the driver was found innocent since he never realized what he was carrying inside the boxes. Further test for drugs indulgence proved negative.

The police confiscated 100 bottles of corex and 575 strips of Spasmo Proxyvom from the two boxes.

The Police later arrested the drug dealer after the DCM truck driver provided a description of the owner of the two boxes. When the police raided his hotel room, they retrieved an additional 288 strips of Spasmo Proxyvom, 100 tablets of rellepant, 100 tables of Nitro Sun and seven sticks of marijuana.

Three days later on May 17, the police arrested a 34-year old man from Chukha in possession of 60 Nitro Sun tablets, a bottle of corex and 547 strips of Spasmo Proxyvom. The second arrest was also done based on information provided by a clandestine informer.

The drug peddler was exposed, while he was looking for the customers to sell the drugs at the Changzamtog Truck parking. The police found him in the truck parking driving around in his private car looking for customers at 7 AM in the morning.

Another arrest was made on the same day involving a 33-year old man from Zhemgang. The police found that he was selling drugs from a mobile shop he owned at Hongkong Market.

When police searched his shop, they uncovered 1822 strips of Spasmo Proxyvom concealed in the corner of his shop.

The Penal Code of Bhutan specifies that a person convicted of illegal transaction of controlled substances can be sentenced to imprisonment for nine to 15 years.

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One comment

  1. well done RBP and thanks media for bring out to public. those 3 drug dealer should be penalize as per the law of the country, no bail to such people. this is will lesson for future drug dealer not to mess around and spoil our youth. 

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