Private school teachers may be laid off depending on situation

Business is down in most private schools as the class X pass students are absorbed in the public schools. This means cut back and the first ones to go are the teachers who teach only class XI.

The private schools will decide on the next step depending on the situation and if there are no student enrolment next year then they will be forced to shut down, leaving many staff unemployed.

There are about 600 teachers and support staff in private schools in the country.

The Education Minister Jai Bir Rai said the ministry has not received information about private school teachers being released. However, the minister said there is always a requirement for trained and experienced teachers in public schools, and therefore, such teachers can be shortlisted and hired on a consolidated contract.

Lyonpo Jai Bir Rai said the teachers of private schools will not remain unemployed because there are students who wish to study in the private schools.

“We know that there are no class XI students in private schools, but that classroom can be used for classes IX and X. There will be students who wish to study in private schools by self-funding. So, class XI teachers can teach the class X students as well.”

For now, some private schools, like Karma Academy in Paro, are doing well and the school has the same number of enrolment this year.

While some private schools who have less number of student enrolment without any class XI students are suffering.

The Principal of Nima High School said they are going through difficult times but no teacher has been laid off. The school does not let go of any teacher in the beginning of the academic year, the resignations are accepted only towards the end of the year. Some teachers have left but the school has found their replacement.

 “For now, we are comfortable with the few teachers that we have planned to keep, and we will retain them till the end of the year. And next year, we don’t know,” said the Principal.

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