Repeat-offender gets three years imprisonment for burglary

A 35 year old man despite serving almost 23 years in the prison for burglary was once again caught red handed by the Paro police for burglarizing a house and has been sentenced for three years and three months prison term on 13th December by the Paro dzongkhag court.

On 19th October, when the complainant, Chencho Wangmo was going back to her house, she had found the lock of her house opened.

She saw the convict Jigme Thinley coming out of her house and on questioning him, he said that he had mistakenly entered the house thinking the house was one of his friends’.

Chencho Wangmo not convinced with what he said had rushed to her daughter’s room only to find that it was ransacked.

She called the police immediately and on investigation it was revealed the defendant had not stolen anything from her house.

Jigme Thinley was carrying a bag and when the bag was searched police found two pieces of metal, a screw driver, two pieces of plank, 161 pieces of duplicate diamonds, a US Dollar and a Nu 100 denomination commemorative currency from the Royal wedding.

On questioning it was revealed to the police that he stole 161 pieces of duplicate diamonds, a US dollar, and the Nu 100 Royal Wedding commemorative currency from Chencho Wangmo’s neighbor Karma Wangchuk’s house.

He had opened Karma Wangchuk’s locked door with the help of a screw driver.

The convict was charged under section 235 of the Penal Code of Bhutan which states that,  ‘a defendant shall be guilty of the offence of burglary, if the defendant unlawfully enters or remains in a building, an occupied structure or a separately secured or occupied portion of a building or structure used as an abode, industry or business, with or without force with the intent to commit a crime therein, unless the building occupied structure or separately secured or occupied portion of the building or structure is at the time open to the public or the defendant is licensed or privileged to enter or remain.

The sentencing of the offence will be fourth degree under section 236 (a).

Jigme Thinley, 35 was arrested for burglary in 1998 and was released in 2008.

He is married and a driver by occupation.

Jigme Thinley is from Mongar.

Chencho Dema

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