Response to, “CDCL to repair collapsed Langchenphu Bridge but claims no lapses in construction”

Workman ship in Bhutan is very poor especially in Government funded projects.


Wow!  Claiming no procedural lapses even when the whole bridge went down. What caused it to fall down if there were no procedural lapses? Was it then caused by Nedhag Zhidag of that place?ACC should also get into this story for investigation.


Don’t drag ACC every time, they have already built 15 bridges before and it has been benefiting many people. So why not give them some credit they deserve.

Don’t always stick to failure. I agree that workmanship in government funded project is poor but look at the situation properly. They don’t have enough funds to carry out such work professionally like DNC does. I have seen the quality of work carried out by DNC especially in bridge construction and they are way better than us. Hats off to DNC for their exemplary bridge construction. The moment I drive on their bridge I just feel like I am in Japan.



Then it must be magic. There were no lapses in the construction of the bridge yet the bridge falls down. What a waste of time and money, and government resources! I also agree ACC has to investigate this too. All of us know that our construction sector especially in the remote Dzongkhags have been one of most corrupted ones. Is the Bhutanese workmanship so shoddy that we cannot even build a bridge well?Where are all our engineers? It is quite shameful that no one seems to be blamed for this incident. In some places, engineers would get sacked, Secretaries and Directors would have to give explanations and Ministers would resign. We would like to see such things happen in Bhutan too for a change.

Tashi Wangdi

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  1. Wai, Tashi Wangdi…….. how dear you say that. That bridge was built by one set of engineers ma. i saw most of the people working there was engineers. i advise you to study the case first and than only you speak out. So far CDCL had built more that 65 bridges all over the Bhutan. Please don’t always look at bad site. See the other bridges also. The one who works hard makes mistake too weather its technical or theoretical. You just don’t bull sheet by sitting on the chair.

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