Response to, ‘Five civil servants unable to cross the training hurdle to join three political parties’

I support RCSC in retaining qualified professionals who acquired such qualification at the expense of the Royal government and other Bhutanese. For us the most important institution in Bhutan has been the civil service and its commission and it will be so for many years to come. In fact the services to the people are delivered by the civil service not the politicians. As once a commissioner said the civil service need the best.



Dr. Lotey should not leave JDWNRH because he is a doctor with a human heart. In the hospital he can really bring a lot of good changes and care for the patient. Ask any ordinary people who has been treated by/seen Dr. Lotey, they will have lot of good things to narrate to you about his treatment and touch. He may be able to push for good legislation but when there are no good people like him in the field to implement, it is of no use. So, Dr. Lotey please do not leave at least for now. You will definitely get the call one  fine day and that too to the post of Health Minister.And of course I don’t mean other doctors are not good but he is one of the good ones.



RCSC should be in a position to see the larger picture. The need of the hour today is good people to join politics to offer better alternatives. You don’t want to leave politics in Bhutan to what it is in the region. If good people are interested RCSC should facilitate rather than restricting them for it cannot hold them forever.



These days, it has become a trend in Bhutan that everyone wants to change every rule in one’s own favor. Rule is rule and everybody must abide by rule. When those civil servants availed their prestigious trainings, they must have surely pledged to fulfill the bond of service. Now, they want to break that bond? If they did not avail the training, the opportunities would have gone to others. Another thing is that, five political parties is too much for Bhutan. In the name of serving the people and country, our politicians are greedily forming too many parties instead of combining together and form stronger and less number of parties. Even if these civil servants are allowed to resign, what will happen to their skills and knowledge if they do not get selected? Only 47 out of 235 candidates in all parties will have seat in the National Assembly. Because of too many parties, some parties are forced to enroll a lot of fresh graduates in their group.


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