One month and 10 days, after 23 year old Zangmo was cruelly knocked down to death on the evening of 17 September, the Thimphu traffic police have sent blood samples for DNA test to Genetech Laboratory in Sri Lanka by post on 25 October.
A total of five samples were sent for the DNA test.
Doctor Pakila Drukpa, Specialist, Forensic Medicine, at the Thimphu referral hospital (JDWNRH) said that the forensic team had collected 10 samples by swabbing from different parts of the Red Toyota Hilux, the suspected vehicle which was seized on the same night of 17 September from the old swimming pool complex area.
“The three samples had tested positive for the presence of occult blood (presence of blood in the samples taken).These three samples were sent for the DNA tests,” he said.
The blood sample of the deceased’s mother and the blood stains collected from the trouser and shirt of the victim found during the time of the incident were sent along with the three samples to determine the DNA profiling on the suspected vehicle.
The very next day the body of the victim was cremated and officials were unable to collect blood sample for the DNA test.
The expenditure of US$ 315 for the samples might decrease if the blood stains are not found in the three samples, said Doctor Pakila Drukpa.
“The injury pattern is consistent of vehicle–pedestrian collision,” he said.
The deceased had succumbed to severe head and chest injuries and died after she reached the emergency ward of JDWNRH. The victim had also sustained injuries on her face and on some parts of the body.
The deceased, Zangmo was working as a sweeper with the Honda showroom.
Whether Zangmo’s family members will get justice or not, will now completely depend on the DNA test results which will take about a month or more to declare.
Chencho Dema
so the Big news here is, Bhutan don’t have her own DNA testing equipment.