Plans are all in place for Sarpang’s township but the works might have to hold-out till the 11th plan or until the end of the Tenth.
The District Engineer Sangay Tenzin said there are many formalities which precede the actual initiation of the works such as budget allocation and public consultations to finalize the plans to incorporate all the social amenities for a better town.
Sarpang Dzongkhag and the National Land Commission (NLC) had conducted the cadastral survey for plot allotment and update data. It was planned for 2010 but delayed since landowners made the request to review the boundary of the township. And in any case the urban planners had limited land information.
Gakidling Gup Nim Dorji Sherpa said that these landowners’ plots were not demarcated within the boundary of the town even though it falls in the area of the new town.
The first Local Area Plan (LAP) of Sarpang town was more than 300 acres including Shechamthang, Omchuna, the national highway and the areas of Hilley gewog.
Urban specialist Meghraj Adhikari said landowners falling under the town area agreed to contribute 30% to the land pooling scheme. Which counts to 13-decimal plot owner contributes three decimals as land pooling for the development of infrastructural activities.
“Land pooling is done in order to have equitable land from the landowners for the infrastructural activities such as road construction, parks, open space and drainage system,” said Meghraj Adhikari.
The new Sarpang town was much projected after the 1996 flood, which washed away the town located on the bank of Sarpangchhu. At the moment the town is a small slum designated with a cluster of huts.
The new town will spread across more than 100 acres of land in Sechum Thang which is located above Sarpang check post.
The Gewog Gup said the Sarpang bazaar would be in that same area since 80% of the shops belongs to Indian businessmen. He said that the shops near the Sarpangchhu was safe since government had constructed river drench system and was helpful for the shopkeepers back in 2008 when they experienced a minor flood.
“Faster the work would be better since we are holding people to construct houses and they are deprived of all urban facilities,” said the Gup.