Sherubtse College

Sherubtse Lecturer who sexually harassed students is convicted

Starting from October 2021 The Bhutanese ran a series of investigative stories on many sexual harassment allegations and complaints against Sherubtse Assistant Lecturer Dorji Phuntsho.

Based on the stories and complaints the RBP conducted an investigation on the Sherubtse cases and charge sheeted him to court in December 2021.

The Trashigang court verdict which was issued earlier this year convicted him for sexually harassing three female students and harassing another five female students.

He was convicted for petty misdemeanor and sentenced to two years and five months in prison for sexual harassment and harassment.  He can pay Thrimthue in lieu of imprisonment. 

On top of that he has been made to pay compensation of Nu 45,000 each to three students on charges of sexual harassment and Nu 22,500 each to five students for harassment. 

He was removed from the college after the verdict. 


The issue first came to light when The Bhutanese talked to Sherubtse students and found out that despite being accused of harassment by 10 female students, Assistant lecturer Dorji Phuntsho only faced withholding of promotion by three-years by Sherubtse College.

The lecturer asked girls to go on late night car rides, made inappropriate comments, engaged in body shaming and also carried on the harassment in class according to the girls. They also alleged that the marks were not given in a fair manner and he did not conduct himself professionally in class.

 One of the girls had suicidal thoughts while another had panic attacks and many of them avoided his class.

Subsequently, a former student from College of Language and Culture Studies (CLCS) in Taktse also alleged the same against the assistant lecturer and she had a chat history that showed the lecturer accepting he dated and kissed a student there.

An allegation also came up against the lecturer while he was a history teacher at Paro Yozerling Higher Secondary school.

The lecturer completely denied the CLCS and Paro case while saying that he meant a group car ride in Sherubtse though the messages clearly showed him meaning a solo ride late at night.

After this paper reported the case in a series of stories the RUB sent its own investigation team to Sherubtse and handed over the case to the RBP.

He was charged by RBP under section 205 of PCB for 10 counts of sexual harassment, and under section 462 for 5 counts of harassment.

The main evidence for sexual harassment was in the WhatsApp messages Assistant Lecturer Dorji Phuntsho sent to two of his students incessantly asking for late night rides and making inappropriate comments and remarks.

Under harassment the incessant body shaming of a female student was the main evidence.

Here again the assistant lecturer had tremendous power over the academic future of his students.

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