26 November 2020: His Majesty The King graced the Opening Ceremony of the 4th Session of the Third Parliament. This session of the Parliament is from 26th November 2020 to 14th December 2020.

Speaker thanks His Majesty for COVID leadership on behalf of a grateful Nation

The Speaker Wangchuk Namgyel paid tribute to His Majesty The King for His Majesty’s leadership in fighting COVID-19, and in doing so expressed and channeled what a lot of Bhutanese have been feeling in the past few months.

He said His Majesty the King has always shown great compassion and love to the people.

“Under His Majesty’s noble vision to prevent global pandemic, and to ensure every single Bhutanese soul remain unaffected by the global pandemic, His Majesty has tirelessly visited southern borders and various Dzongkhags leaving aside numerous royal engagements, making sacrifices to the Royal Family, working through endless nights and sacrificing sleep and even meals,” said the Speaker.

He said His Majesty has constantly monitored the situation, and provided strategic directions and wise counsel on the prevention and overcoming the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic to the people and the community.

The Speaker said His Majesty the King repatriated many Bhutanese from abroad and granted necessary support with regard to flight services.

“His Majesty the King also granted continuous monetary and financial Kidu to the families and individuals affected by the global pandemic, through His Majesty’s monetary and financial relief programme, and provided free medical services to the people.”

He said such noble initiatives and sacrifices portrayed the exemplary leadership of His Majesty the King to other leaders in the world.

“The people of Bhutan are indeed fortunate to have been born in this most blessed country. It is even more fortunate to be the citizens under the glorious and benevolent reign of the Wangchuck Dynasty,” said the Speaker.

The Speaker said there are a few cases COVID-19 in the country, however, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, conduct of numerous prayers from the Monastic Bodies, constant support from the government and the Health Ministry, the people of Bhutan were able to live in peace without much panic.

“Nevertheless, it is essential that every individual must be mindful and responsible to remain safe. All these have been only possible due to the wise and benign leadership of His Majesty the King. Therefore, the Parliament of Bhutan would like to offer our deepest gratitude and unwavering reverence to His Majesty the King,” said the Speaker.

He said similarly, His Majesty the Fourth King has visited southern borders, and imparted wise guidance on the prevention and overcoming the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic to the people and therefore the Parliament would like to offer its deepest gratitude to His Majesty the Fourth King.

He said the Parliament would like to offer its sincere gratitude to His Holiness the Je Khenpo, the monastic body, religious bodies and masters who have been performing numerous prayers and religious activities for the prevention of the global pandemic.

The Speaker said the Parliament would like to offer sincere gratitude to Her Majesty the Queen who has shown great compassion, leaving aside royal engagements to Their Highnesses the two Princes, and granting numerous gifts to the volunteers and front liners during the global pandemic.

He said the Parliament would also like to thank the Prime Minister, Members of the National Covid-19 Task Force, and staff under the Ministry of Health led by the Health Minister, Three Armed Forces, Desuups, forest officials, financial institutions, Thromdes, Bhutan Red Cross Society, private entities and all volunteers for their support during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Similarly, he said, the Parliament would like to thank Dzongkhags and Gewogs, Local Government Leaders and staff for supplying necessities to the people, and carrying out effective activities as per the directives of the Government.

Furthermore, he said the Parliament would like to thank all mission offices in Thimphu, development partners and non-governmental agencies for the support during the global Covid-19 pandemic.

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