Stranded passengers coming from Phuentsholing to undergo 3-day quarantine and testing

Health Minister Dechen Wangmo during the press briefing said that the stranded passengers coming from Phuentsholing will undergo 3-day quarantine and testing before release.

The Health Minister said that the southern taskforce has designed a guideline where the stranded passengers are escorted to Thimphu and then they are quarantined and tested before releasing.

Lyonpo said that those coming on a one-day journey to Thimphu, Paro etc. will be quarantined at the destination while those travelling to farther off places requiring a night halt will be quarantined and tested at Phuentsholing and then will be released.

Lyonpo said they have made guidelines and given it to the National taskforce for the endorsement yesterday since Phuentsholing is under a red zone.

“Hereafter, looking at the situation in traveling from the high risk to low risk area, we are working on the guidelines and after national taskforce endorses it there will be new guidelines since the risk is along the border areas and if we can use this, the rest of the country can function as it is and hopefully the national taskforce will endorse it soon,” the Health Minister said.

The Prime Minister had already announced earlier that those travelling from high risk to low risk areas should undergo testing.

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