Talo Nominee will ensure code of conduct for truth and sincerity of MPs

Namgay Dorji, 30
Namgay Dorji, 30

Talo Gewog under Punakha Dzongkhag nominated Namgay Dorji as their National Council (NC) nominee on 25 March.

From the 154 voters who showed up, Namgay Dorji, 31 secured 130 ‘Yes’ votes against 24 ‘No’ votes. According to the Dzongkhag Electorate Officer (DEO) Tenzin he had submitted all the documents and clearance certificates during the Zomdu.

He was also an NC contestant in the 2008 NC elections but he was not elected then. “I was very young and was not mature in the democratic field and democracy was also young during that time,” he said.

Namgay who has a Masters in Mass Communication and Media Management believes that he is now more mature and has better experience to serve the people better.

“My academic background has become my strength and now it’s very beneficial for me,” he added.

Before he pursued his Masters he had a Bachelors in Public Administration. He also served in the militia and added-experiences include teaching, movie direction, and acting.

If elected, the Talo gewog nominee promises to firmly stand for people’s happiness. He believes that there are series of problems faced by people in the regions therefore he would promote Gross National Happiness for the people.

“I would help people as much as I can and make them happy,” he added.

The NC aspirant also aims to promote culture since he had observed that culture that has been passed on from his forefathers has been degenerating.

As an NC member he would, besides the law-making duty also monitor MPs on how they work to ensure ‘truth and sincerity’.

“As a NC candidate one is responsible to make law instead of violating law,” Namgay Dorji said. “If developmental activities under Five Year Plans are not done properly then I will push MPs to do it if I get elected during the NC election.”The NC aspirant said that he would prove himself the best candidate so that in the next election also he would be selected.

According to DEO Tenzin, from the existing 11 gewogs, Punakha Dzongkhag has only two candidates, Namgay Dorji and Rinzin Dorji from Talog Gewog and Toedwang gewog respectively.

Punakha will have two nominees for the NC elections. However during the 2008 elections Punakha Dzongkhag had three candidates. Talo was the last gewog to conduct Zomdu and for all the gewogs, Zomdu and voter education was conducted at the same time.

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  1. Kelsang Tobden

     The photo caption says “Namgay Dorji, 30”  and the article reads “Namgay Dorji, 31” which one is correct????  Come on The Bhutanese…  Don’t always keep your self busy pointing fingers at he government but train your employees. 

  2. haha, what a joke? ” besides the law-making duty also monitor MPs on how they work to ensure ‘truth and sincerity’.
    ,” Namgay Dorji said. “If developmental activities under Five Year Plans are not done properly then I will push MPs to do it if I get elected during the NC election. ” i want ask this questions to the vorters of Punakha Dzongkhag….1. how can he ensure the code of conduct and ethics of the MPs when he himself lacks ehtic and basic human code of conduct in him?
    2. how can he push the MPs to carry out the development works in 5 years when he dont know what is a 5 years development plan & after all when he can not lead a proper family life? I am sad that Punakha being one of the biggest Dzongkhag has niminated such a person who is loitering around without any human principle to represent us at the decision making level. Bhutanese democracy seems funny sometimes. i only have a right to refrain from voting….

  3. who is other Namgay Dorji who is 30. Did he persue Mass Com and Media Mgt or Masters in Public Administration or both? Quite confusing.

  4. Since the aspirant NC has Master in Mass Communications and Media Management, the Bhutanese can hire him for five years if he is not selected as NC in April 2013.

  5. Yes, I would agree with some of the comments above…. The National Council is becoming opportunists’ pawn, for many so called SELF EMPLOYED Graduates, many of whom are people who have failed to qualify in any job for many years. While there is nothing we can do about it, it would be good if the ECB can be prudent in scrutinizing the certificates, given that all kinds of academic documents could be bought from India.

  6. 24 “No” voters were wise. I feel like talking avomin while reading his comments.

  7. Three tourist guides NC aspirant from Haa ridiculed the whole nation.Why do you think they have become tourist guides, because of Manipal certificates!

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