Technical cooperation project concludes


The handing-takingover takes place
The handing-takingover takes place

The five years of Technical Cooperation Project on the strengthening the quality of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) concluded on June 12 at the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR).

The goal of the project is to contribute to producing human resources with necessary knowledge and skills based on industrial needs for the electrical sector.

It was launched in June 2008, with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), for strengthening TVET delivery.

The project aimed to strengthen the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation system of the Department of Human Resources (DHR) to deliver effective training, strengthen capabilities of electrical course in Technical Training Institutes (TTI), Khuruthang to provide training effectively and enhance capabilities of electrical instructors of TTIs.

Within five years, the outcome of the project have been in the use of Short Messaging System (SMS) as a means of information dissemination and collection system in the institutes and ministry, online inventory management system for all the training institutes to archive, track and supply materials for training as a means to improve an efficient use of the resources in the institutes, institute advisory body for the electrical sector to enhance linkage with the industries to improve the quality of training through effective communication, monitoring and evaluation of tools and manual, capacity building through training of trainers (ToTs),and capacity building and procurement of tools and equipment for the institutes.

The project primarily supported TTI-Khuruthang as the base of operations, but also supported the electrical course in TTI, Rangjung.

The other six institutes operated and managed by DHR were also supported in developing sound monitoring and management systems to enhance services of TVET delivery.

The project was formally closed in the presence of  Officiating Secretary, MoLHR Sonam Rinchen, and the Chief Representative of JICA Bhutan Office, Asakuma who officially handed over the project vehicles, a Toyota Hilux and Honda CRV to the ministry.


Thukten Zangpo

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