The Bhutan Higher Secondary Education Certificate (BHSEC) announced the Class XII and Class VIII results conducted by the Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment (BCSEA) in December 2022.
The total number of girls who registered for the BCSEA examination 2022 is 7,360 and the total number of boys that registered is 6,130. The overall aggregate of candidates that registered for BHSEC 2022 is 13,490 from 84 higher secondary schools, of which there were 64 government schools and 20 private schools.
The total number of candidates that appeared for the BCSEA examination 2022 is 13,373. The numbers include the 40 students of Tashitse Higher Secondary School who reappeared for the BCSEA exam on 19 January.
The number of girls who appeared BHSEA 2022 examination is 7,327, of which 6,446 passed the exam while the number of boys who appeared is 6,046 where 5,296 passed the examination.
881 girl candidates and 750 boy candidates failed in the BHSEC examination 2022. The overall pass percentage of BHSEC 2022 is 87.80 percent, which is an increase of 5.80 percent over 82 percent.
The stream-wise pass percentages of the candidates are 85.85 percent in science, 87.63 percent in commerce and 88.72 percent in Arts.
The pass percentage for English is 97.4 percent. Dzongkha is 98.42 percent. Dzongkha Rizhung is 99.9 percent. History is 75.23 percent. Geography is 94.82 percent. Economics is 88.75 percent. Commerce is 97.89 percent. Accountancy is 53.93 percent. Mathematics is 58.44 percent. Physics is 64.64 percent. Chemistry is 78.66 percent. Biology is 97.97 percent. Business Mathematics is 40.04 percent, Agriculture for Food Security is 92.65 percent, Environmental Science is 92.05 percent, Media Studies is 95.13 percent and Business and Entrepreneurship is 95.97 percent.
The Science stream toppers in BHSEC are Rigzay Lhamo from Ugyen Academy HSS, Punakha holds the first position with a total score of 358 and the average percentage is 89.50 percent.
Pema Deki Yangden and Jamyang Dorji from Jakar HHS and Karma Academy respectively secured the second position with a total score of 355 and the average score of 88.75 percent.
In the third position are Tshering Choden and Pema Rinzin from Ugyen Academy and The Royal Academy respectively. They both scored a total of 353 and the average percentage is 88.25 percent.
The Commerce toppers in BHSEC are Pema Wangchuk from Desi HS holding the first position with a total score of 362 and the average percentage is 90.50 percent.
Both Yadsel Lhazin Tshhogyel and Choki Dorji from Desi HS secure the second position with a total score of 360 and the average score of 90 percent.
In the third position, Rupa Phuyal and Chadri Maya Subba from Damphu CS and Ugyen Academy respectively scored a total of 359 and both scored an average percentage of 89.75 percent.
Arts toppers in BHSEC are Jamyang Kinley Pema from Motithang HSS and Euden Dema from Ugyen Academy hold the first position with a total score of 357 and the average score is 89.25 percent.
Pema Selden from Ugyen Academy holds the second position with a score of 350 and the average score is 87.50 percent and Rinzin Norbu from Karma Academy holds the third position from Karma Academy with a score of 347 and the average score is 86.75 percent.
In Language and Culture Studies Certificates class XII examination conducted on March 2022, a total of 229 candidates (103 male and 126 female) from 2 schools, 1 government and 1 private school registered and 224 (102 male and 122 female) appeared for the examination. The overall pass percentage is 94.20 percent.
The pass percentage for English is 94.2 percent, Agriculture for Food Security is 82.76 percent, Luzhey and Nyencha is 96.15 percent, and 100 percent in Dzongkha, Media Studies, Choedjug, Driglam, Ngagdon and Tagjug, Nyengag and Gyelrab.
Kinley Gyem of Taktse CS holds the first position with a total score of 343 and the average score is 85.75 percent.
Sonam Lhendup from Taktse CS holds the second position with a score of 331 and the average score is 82.75 percent. Tshering Phuntsho from Taktse CS with a total score of 329 and the average score is 82,25 percent.
While in the class VIII common examination conducted by BCSEA in December 2022, a total of 11,849 (6,364 male and 5,485 female) candidates from 176 schools (166 government and 10 private schools) registered and 11,821 (5,479 male and 6,342 female) appeared for the examination.
The pass percentage has been calculated based on the number of candidates who passed Dzongkha, English, Mathematics and any other two subjects. The overall pass percentage is 56.38 percent while almost 44 percent of the students failed their exams compared to the past.
Pema Zangmo from Wamrong Lower Secondary School holds the first position with a total score of 470.90 and the average score is 94.18 percent. Jigsel Lhendrup Wangchuk from Dr Tobgyel Middle Secondary School holds the second position with a score of 469.75 and an average is 93.95 percent and Lhawang Tshokey from Rangjung Central School holds the third position with a score of 466 and the average is 93.20 percent.
Meanwhile, BCSEA will be working on details of the report, whereby they will know how those 40 students performed in their BCSEA exams, which they had to redo, and the case of Tashitse Higher Secondary School is still under investigation.