The preliminary examination, off or on?

With the Preliminary Examination (PE) just around the corner, many university graduates are left anxious and wondering whether the PE is still on or done away with as promised by the government.

The Member of Parliament,Panbang, Zhemgang, Dorji Wangdi, said one of the popular pledges among the 100 days pledges made by the government was to do away with the PE. He asked

the Labour Minister for a definite answer on it as it is a serious concern for the university graduates.

MP Dorji Wangdi said ever since the government took over, the PE was conducted once, and the pledge has not been fulfilled. He said last year, the 3, 332 graduates were not so privileged to get the exempt from the PE and now it’s been a year and the students have huge expectations from the government that the PE will be done away with. He said the PE is just about two months away.

In response, the Labour Minister, Ngeema Sangay Tshempo, said there is no definite answer on the matter this time as well. However, he said that the ministry is still under discussions with Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) on doing away with the PE. He said he has even written a letter to the RCSC, talked with Prime Minister and the Home Minister and together, they have held a talk with RCSC as well.

He said he is aware of the issue and its importance for the graduates, and that discussions are still underway. Lyonpo said the ministry is holding proper discussions and is hopeful of a definite answer within this month.

Most of the graduates expect that the government will do away with the PE this year, while there are other graduates who are not wasting their time and are in full swing of preparation for the PE. There are also some graduates that are in favour of the PE.

Tashi Deki 

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