The wealth of DPT and PDP

tableThe collective assets of the DPT candidates are around Nu 1.720 bn approx and their richest candidate going by sheer value of assets is the DPT President Jigmi Y Thinley at Nu 493 mn. This is mainly on account of landholdings by him and his family members.

The collective assets of PDP candidates are Nu 662.37 mn approx and their richest candidate is the Maenbi-Tsenkhar candidate from Lhuentse Yeshi Dorji wroth around Nu 117 mn with again land being the main component of his wealth.


The DPT’s land holding valuation comes to around Nu 1.260 bn mainly on account of heavyweights in the form of older ministers like Jigmi Y Thinely, Yeshey Zimba, Khandu Wangchuk and candidates like Kinga Tshering among many others.

The shares come to around Nu 100 mn with the majority of it held by former ministers Yeshey Zimba and his family at Nu 76 mn. Interesting Yeshey Zimba in 2008 was tagged the richest DPT candidate who has now fallen behind the DPT President at Nu 493 and former minister Khandu Wangchuk at 174.69 mn.

DPT candidates have Nu 66 mn worth of vehicles which includes both light and heavy machinery vehicles.

Other categories of assets like jewelry, kutens, hotel and others come to around Nu 294 mn.

The grand total is Nu 1.720 bn


PDP’s land and building assets come to around 576 mn with land distributed more equally among many candidates. They only own around Nu 10.67 mn in shares and Nu 48 mn in light and heavy machinery. In case of other categories of assets PDP has around 27.70 mn.

The second richest candidate would be Drakteng-Langthel’s Namgay Dorji valued at around Nu 90 mn solely due to his land holdings.

The grand total is Nu 662.37 mn

Sangay/ Tsering /Thukten / Thimphu






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