Thimphu Police almost done investigating four additional charges in BEO case

The Thimphu Police have formed a team especially for Bhutan Employment Overseas (BEO) case since the case involves many youths and also two agents.

Police official said that they are working day and night on the BEO case, and they are working to finish the investigation of other four charges; they are Deceptive Practice, Harassment, Abandonment of a person in danger, and Trafficking a person.

Police had asked youths to write their statement in details in the last meeting held in YDF hall, since the initial statement they submitted to the police was not clear and did not have details, in order to proceed with investigation on the other four charges.

The youths were asked to write down in details about the harassment like how they were harassed or abused and deceived in detail.

Thimphu police will finish investigating the case in another coming week and, more details of the case will be given later in order to avoid changes in their findings.

Out of five charges registered by the Parents and lawyer, Thimphu police had arrested the BEO owners for forging a bank statement on 27th June.

Initially, there were reports that the police would not investigate the four other charges of deceptive practice, abandonment of a person in danger, harassment and trafficking a person.

However, following the arrest, the Parents’ Committee lawyer Ngawang Tobgay, submitted a more detailed written explanation of the four charges to the RBP and why they would apply as per the Bhutan Penal Code.

He also had discussions with senior RBP officials on the legal aspects of the four charges. Apart from the four charges the police has been given more evidences of forgery in terms of the forgery of bank statements of other students.

On 26th June around 100 youth and parents who said they are victims of the LEP program by BEO filed a case based on their own findings, which includes forgery, deception, harassment, abandoning of person in danger and human trafficking to the Thimphu Police.

Earlier, the RBP and the OAG were to work together on this case but after reviewing the documents the OAG said there is no duplication with the ACC case, so Thimphu police took over the case.

The Royal Bhutan Police started reviewing the case filed by students and parents against the Bhutan Employment Overseas (BEO) agent for the Learn and Earn (LEP) program in Japan from Monday, 22nd July.

After the police starts investigating the case and if the case has to be reviewed by the OAG then the police can forward the case to OAG, said a OAG official.

The Parents’ Committee Lawyer, Ngawang Tobgay, filed the case on behalf of a large number of students in both Bhutan and Japan as well as parents in Bhutan.

The case is to do with the allegations of deception and exploitation of Bhutanese youths in the Japan Learn and Earn program by the BEO agents.

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