The government has allotted a budget of Nu 5 billion (bn) for the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) for Thimphu Thromde where the main priorities are roads, water and sewage.
Nu 200 million (mn) out of the total budget is to be spent in the fiscal year 2018-2019. Thimphu Thromde intends to blacktop and widen the roads, construct footpaths and drainage in all the seven demkhungs.
In Babesa demkhung, with an estimated budget of Nu 11 mn, Thromde will carry out the blacktopping of roads, connecting Simtokha E-4 Zone and Chubagang above Dantak wet canteen, blacktopping of road below Dantak wet canteen and blacktopping of urban lap road and joining of the ring road near STCBL Toyota showroom. Thromde also plans to construct a chorten behind the Honda showroom.
A budget of Nu 10 mn will go towards works in Motithang demkhung. A new road below Kuenzang Lam and below Peaceful Resort are to be built. The road will be widened at Hati Dunga and Motithang will also have a recreational space constructed.
In Changangkha demkhung, Thromde plans to construct a drainage with footpath along swimming pool and rectify the cross drainage at the swimming pool roundabout, maintain roads, construct new footpaths and develop parking at the left side of Changangkha Lhakhang. The total budget allotted is Nu 9 mn.
In Jungshina Pamtsho demkhung, with a budget of Nu 10.08 mn, retaining walls, drain, widening and blacktopping of road at Lubding are to be carried out.
Development of roads within Olakha area that was not covered by ADB Project, improvement of roads, drains and footpath within Changjiji area and widening of road below the old highway are in the plans.
With Nu 7.4 mn for Taba Dechencholing demkhung, Thromde plans to develop the Taba highway, resurface road from Dechencholing Lam to outdoor gym, construct footpath in and around Taba and install Hume pipe for Taba.
In Norzin demkhung, plans are in place to construct a footpath near thromde office and along multi level parking area, improve footpath, construct drains and develop city bus parking area particularly drainage and sewerage with a budget of Nu 17.2 mn.
With roads being the first priority, Thimphu Thromde also intends to improve the sewerage and water supply system in the 12th FYP. With the total budget of Nu 15 mn, Thromde will start the construction of sewer network including reinstatement of roads.
According to Thromde’s Program Officer, Dorji Phurba, “There is tremendous pressure on the existing urban infrastructure and facilities due to increasing population as Thimphu city constitutes over 12 percent of Bhutan’s total population.”
He said, “In the 12th FYP, thromde’s key strategies are to develop and improve critical infrastructure and ensure standards and quality, and to strengthen human resource capacity and ensure its effective and efficient management.”
Thromde’s Program Officer said, “Since the budget proposal for 12th FYP is tentative, the amount may either increase or decrease”.
In the 11th FYP, Thromde started two projects to improve the sewerage system in Thimphu, with a budget of Nu 618 mn
Also in the 11th FYP, Thromde started two projects for water supply with Nu 58.4 mn and Nu 83 mn.