Three apprehended with drugs

Thimphu police have arrested two men, aged 26 and 29 years, who had in their possession a stash of prescription drugs and a quantity of hashish.

The men were arrested from Dechencholing on 16 March following a tip off. Police seized from then 720 capsules of SP and 49.06 grams of hashish. One of the men is an auto mechanic and there is unemployed. The men claimed to have bought the drugs from the border town of Jaigaon.

On 22 March at around 9:10 PM, police apprehended a 27 year old man from Kabjisa, Punakha  with 185 capsules of SP and half piece of N10.

The suspect is a private employee and was arrested from his apartment in Changzamtog. The substances were wrapped in black plastic and were hidden in his lab top bag. He tested positive and is under detention for further investigation.


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