Three crises that created the Rupee crisis

Over the years I have observed one important character of the Bhutanese people, i.e “artificiality”.

Everything is artificial. Look at the land value. Artificial inflation. the land value around the country is being excessively / artificially increased way beyond the actual value. Just as an example, if tomorrow the government wishes to move some of our corporate head offices and other developmental activities like Edn. city, medical college and others which will drag a few thousand people away from Thimphu, the economy will collapse. Houses will go without tenants, which means house owners will have not monthly installment and ultimately Banks will collapse.

Another artificial character is our lifestyle. We Bhutanese like to show what we are not. We may try to show that we are rich by driving SUVs but in actuality if we observe closely, around 90% of people who drive SUVs and foreign cars cannot afford to take Nu 100 worth lunch in a restaurant everyday. 95% of the people who drive foreign cars are in debt. This was evident from the Bank stopping car loans just recently. There are very very few people who can afford to buy car even the cheapest Indian make Alto car in cash.

We need to change our character and the govt. should help stop artificial inflation…



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  1. I am a Bhutanese, but I support what is stated above! Another CHARACTER which is WORSE is our Bhutanese business people want to become rich overnight. The retailer in Thimphu lift goods from the wholesaler and straight away dividend of Nu.10/- on all items. For example a kg of Dalda is Nu.55/- from the wholesaler but the retailer charges Nu. 65/- after lifting the goods few meters away from the wholesale shop. It is so pity, his commission is as high as 19%. That is why the low and fixed income group are suffering the most which is encouraging antisocial activities like theft and embezzlement.

    Go to Centenary farmers Market, A piece of cucumber one kg is costing Nu.80/-. The justification for the high price is the product is local from Paro. In the we could get a bag full of mixed vegetable for Nu.500/- but now we land up spending Nu.1,500/- to 2,000/-. It looks like I will have to request my children to eat lesser and lesser everyday.

    Not only vegetable, other goods from India the margin our Thimphu merchants take is 100% because we know the costs of all goods from India. May the good prevail over bad!

  2. The farm roads constructed with huge budget are not roadworthiness. No proper road allignment and absence of monitoring system from GNH commission have now left legacy for any newly elected government enatailing to repair and completely redo it. This is really frustrating to see when development is first time taking place in most of the villages. In the name of farm roads, the prevailing pristine environment is demaged as there is no monitoring system in place. This type of haphazard and destructive environment will invite disasters in future where our people in the village will move out of their villages to urban areas whic is not economically advisable.

  3. well said..i fully agree to the above statement..

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