Trashigang votes for DPT

The majority of the people in Trashigang have voted for Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT). DPT won in all the five constituencies in the dzongkhag .

From Bartsham Shongphu constituency, DPT secured a total of 3,377 votes (1,653 EVM +1,724 PB). While Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) got a total of 2,404 votes (1,132 EVM + 1,272 PB), People’s Democratic Party (PDP) won 1,088 votes (576 EVM + 512 PB). Bhutan Kuen-Nyam Party (BKP) could secure only 382 votes (112 EVM + 260 PB).

DPT secured a total of 2,741 votes (1,462 EVM and 1,279 PB) in Kanglung Samkhar Udzorong constituency followed by DNT with 2,350 votes (1,050 EVM + 1,300 PB). PDP won 1,941 votes (1,161 EVM and 780 PB). BKP secured 450 votes (172 EVM + 278 PB).

In Radhi Sakteng constituency, DPT won 2,392 votes (1,212 EVM + 1,180 PB) while PDP got 1,320 votes (907 EVM + 413 PB). DNT secured 2,117 votes (1,134 EVM and 983 PB) and BKP managed to get 729 votes (363 EVM + 366 PB).

DPT’s  Chenga Tshering secured highest votes of ,1712 (735 EVM + 997 PB) in Thrimshing constituency and PDP won 1,523 votes (806 EVM + 717 PB). DNT secured 1,431 votes (441 EVM + 990 PB) while BKP got only 227 votes (102 EVM + 175 PB).

“While I feel that DPT has the chances of winning general election, two or more parties are combining with each other soon after the declaration of primary round election result. If election is done fairly without parties combining, DPT will form the government,” said Chenga Tshering.

He also said, “I am also planning to conduct vigorous campaign to inform or educate the people not to be influenced by parties, but to vote on their own without the intervention of others.”

In Wamrong constituency, DPT got 933 votes from EVM and 1,150 votes from postal ballot making the total to 2083 votes, where as DNT secured 1,625 votes of which 673 are from EVM and 952 are postal votes. PDP got 563 EVM votes and 567 postal votes while BKP won 502 votes in total, 239 from EVM and 263 from postal ballot.

Trashigang has 47, 614 registered voters out of which 23, 000 are males and 24, 614 are females.

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