TTI Principals lay the grounds for a skilled workforce

As a follow-up to the resolution of the 4th Technical Vocational Education Conference (TVET), incorporation of Quality Management System (QMS) in all the Technical Training Institutes (TTI) was made mandatory.

To this end, Principals from all the TTIs gathered in Chumey Technical Training Institute to prepare the manual for QMS in their respective institutes.

The facilitator of the program and the principal from Rangjung Technical Training Institute said QMS will enhance both efficiency and effectiveness of the training institutes.

It would provide quality vocational education and training that are responsive to the requirements of both employers and trainees.

Labor Minister Dorji Wangdi said that providing a quality skill with its relevance in the market is the priority for the labor ministry.

“Courses that are demanded in job market should be offered but with quality. They will speed-up to make work ready, world ready and future ready,” said the Minister.

He added that if these qualities are implemented then employment is guaranteed.

The principals from TTIs and Institute of Zorig Chusum (IZC)s will prepare a manual for QMS to gain accreditation for their courses from the Department of Occupational Standards under Labor ministry.

The facilitator said the purpose of introducing this requirement is to ensure quality vocwational education and training, effective client relations, sound financial planning and control, responsive systems operations and reliable record keeping and document management.

This will enhance the establishment of document, implement and maintain an effective and efficient Quality System in the training centres.

Further it would bring an improvement in producing effective and competent skilled work forces that will meet the current needs of the industries in Bhutan.

While preparing the QMS manual the DOS had identified around 10 processes for quality assurances in TTIs and IZCs.

Evaluation and development of training programs, resource management, internal auditing, assessment of the trainees and registration and selection of trainees were some of the key components of the process.

“During the three day workshop, draft QMS manual that consist of quality manual, procedural manual, instruction process were developed,” said the facilitator. This shall be reviewed once again in the next workshop before finalization.

He added that implementation of QMS by the institutes will benefit in accreditation of the courses.  The accredited courses will lead to issuance of National Certificate for different Levels.

“After implementing the QMS manual in institutes, the trainees will be trained practically and make them competent skilled human resources,” said a Labor official.

Labour minister said the quality courses guarantees employment opportunities which will help in economic self reliance.

He said that TVET is one of the key components to build nation. Therefore under the umbrella of TVET there are more than 3000 courses. Banking and accounting is one of the courses included in it.

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