Gyelposhing police under Mongar Dzongkhag on 17 September arrested a 21-year-old man for allegedly impregnating a 14-year-old girl who is also his step sister. The suspect is a class 12 pass-out and unemployed while the victim is a class VIII student in one of the schools in Mongar. The incident was reported to police on 16 September by the victim’s biological father.
The victim was in a boarding school and few days prior to the report of crime, the matron of the school suspected something which is why she was sent to hospital for medical examination. Through the medical examination the victim was declared six months pregnant.
It was learnt that the victim and the suspect had sexual intercourse during her vacation. The suspect is the son of the victim’s mother’s current husband. So the suspect and the victim are step brother and sister. The biological parents of the victim were divorced long ago.
The mother of the victim reported the incident to the victim’s real father who then lodged a complaint against the suspect.
As per the victim’s statement, they were not in a relationship and that they had gone physical just once because she was forced into it. However, police said that they are yet to find out the fact.
The suspect is under detention and the case is still under investigation.
Likewise, Mongar police have detained a 25-year-old health staff for allegedly raping a 14-year-old girl. The girl is a class VII student in one of the schools in Mongar. Both the suspect and victim are from Mongar.
The initial incident took place on 8 September whereby the incident was reported to police by the victim’s mother on 13 September, one week after the incident.
While the victim in her initial statement stated that she was sexually assaulted by the suspect, police said that, they are investigating the case. The suspect in his statement stated that he must have committed the crime as he was somehow high on alcohol during the time of incident.
It was learnt that though her physical medical examination is done, they are yet to receive the full medical report from the hospital. The medical report is expected to be completed by end of this week.
Both the above suspects in the two cases will be charged for rape of a child above 12 years of age. As per section 184 of the Penal Code Amendment Act of Bhutan 2011, the offence of rape of a child above the above the age of 12 years shall be a felony of second degree (9 years to 15 years imprisonment).