Two old parties conquer in the primary rounds

The country’s first ever primary round was dominated by the two old parties, Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for key places in the general rounds.

Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) will compete against each other for a second time after five years of their first Democratic government experience which was ruled by DPT.

People of Bhutan have given another chance to both the party for faceoff leaving behind Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) and Druk Chirwang Tshogpa (DCT).

DPT candidate Dr. Pema Gyamtsho contesting from Chhoekhor-Tang constituency and Karma Wangchuk from Chumey-Ura constituency, Bumthang, were elected as winner by their people securing 2,195 and 787 total vote including postal ballot respectively. Whereas PDP’s candidate from Bumthang, Kuenzang Thinley (Chhoekhor-Tang constituency) and Tshewang Jurmi (Chumey-Ura constituency) got only 964 and 661 of total vote including postal ballot respectively in this primary round.

“Didn’t hope too much from the people but am satisfied and happy,” said DPT candidate, Karma Wangchuk. “I don’t have any campaign tactic at present, will have to decide and go through with our party and ECB rule,” he added.

The DPT candidate said we are very happy that we got through for general election from Bumthang, he said to the Bhutanese after the result was announced.

Whereas People’s Democratic Party candidate Tshewang Jurmi said he is honored by the people of Bumthang for their votes and letting them contest for general rounds.

“PDP did justice for five years as Opposition party with the help of two people is the credit for good comeback,” said Tshewang Jurmi, the last candidate to join PDP.

Gasa with the least population and eligible registered voters displayed themselves to be democratically responsible citizen in term of electing and participating as witnessed during the National Council (NC) elections and again this time around in the Primary rounds.

People’s Democratic Party candidate from Gasa, Khatoed-Laya constituency, Damcho Dorji and from Khamed-Lunana constituency, Pema Drukpa, got 348 and 236 of total vote including postal ballots respectively.

Whereas Druk Phuensum Tshogpa candidate from Gasa, Khatoed-Laya constituency, Dorji Khandu and from Khamed-Lunana constituency, Kinley Dorji, got 267 and 336 of total vote including postal ballot respectively.

“People of my constituency trust me,” said Damcho Dorji when asked about maximum number of postal ballot turnout in favor of him. He added population is small so he was not worried about results.

“No next step for general round at present, I have to decide with the people and work even harder for the people,” said Damcho Dorji the only opposition candidate elected in 2008 elections other then PDP President, Tshering Tobgay.

DPT’s candidate from Thimphu, Kinga Tshering of North Thim-Throm and Former Minister Yeshi Zimba of South Thim-Throm got 1,817 and 2,248 of total votes respectively including postal ballots.

In the other hand PDP’s candidate from Thimphu, Sangay Tshoki of North Thim-Throm and Tandin Wangmo of South Thim-Throm got 1450 and 1520 of total vote including postal ballot respectively.

When asked about the result, PDP candidate from South Thim-Throm said “I will be happy and satisfied only if my party and I will go through in General Elections.”

The Primary round is successfully completed and as many expected Druk Phuensum Tshogpa and People’s Democratic Party will compete against each other for a second time. This round of election indicates the mentality of Bhutanese people and will be a lesson for parties to focus on their weaknesses.

Sangay Choda / Thimphu

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  1. I came across many people saying that PDP should not win because their promises are overambitious. Wants to provide 2 helicopetrs, 1 bolero to each gewog, blacktopping etc etc. How can they? I personally feel that PDP can provide these if they win but during the chinomzomthu, PDP candiddates were not clarifying about this. They should clarify clearly of the possibility in the next general round. I am 100% sure they can give. Why they can give, let me clarify. 
    Our past Govt spent 91.0ml $ i 5 years to hire helicopters. If you buy 2nos it will cost around 45.0ml only. The balance 51.0ml can be spent for salary, allowances, bonuses of 2 pilots, copilots, stewards and maintenance etc. So that is why I think PDP said it will provide 2 copetrs. But our innocent publiv failed to undertsand.  Now I think people will understand that PDP’s proposals are realistic.  These copetrs should be used for national emergencies eg lifting of patients from inaccessible areas, reaching medicines to remote areas, like cases of 7 children swept away by flood in chukha etc. Similarly there are good reasons for bolero.

    Therefore, we should support PDP this time.

  2. Next time when there is another tragedy like the Chukha one, we will put you on the helicopter to rescue the children, mind you, when it is already dark, than only will you know that you are talking a load of bull.

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