Wildlife photography blurs the line between reality and fantasy

A fervent bird watcher and amateur photographer Sherab Jamtsho isn’t interested in portraying the world exactly as it is. Instead his unique vision presents nature as a rustic paradise of fairy tales.

“I have learned to see things invisible, to enjoy a million small details to which I previously didn’t pay attention,” said Sherab Jamtsho who has photographed over 300 species of birds in the country and discovered the Beautiful Sibia, a new species which was recorded into Bhutan’s ornithology lists. “I am confident that looking at my photographs, for a while, will wake up a child inside of us because the world in the eyes of children are always more colourful, fascinating, mysterious and full of surprises.”

According to him the beautiful Sibia is found in subtropical and humid tropical forests. The bird is adorned with a blue-grey crown, slaty grey upper parts and pinkish tinge ventral parts and chestnut brown tertails. Until now, the bird was found only in China, India and Myanmar.

He was awarded a third position during the Bird Festival in Tingtibi, Zhemgang dzongkhag in 2015.

Sherab also said that the White Bellied Heron and Red Headed Trogon are also rare and endangered species of birds in Bhutan. White Bellied Heron is evaluated as critically endangered by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Sherab Jamtsho is presently doing a research on foraging behaviors of Pallas’s Fish Eagle along the Punatshangchhu River as a part of thesis for his BSC program. “Pallas’s Fish eagle also known as Pallas’s Sea Eagle or Band-tailed Fish eagle is a large brownish sea eagle and it is said to be the rarest species of bird in Bhutan,” he said. “I am expecting my research to be completed in two months.”

On his passion for photography, Sherab said it is an art of observation. “It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I have found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see it,” he said.

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