Thromde to start collecting parking fees from Changlimithang parking

In a bid to improve parking management and generate revenue, the Thimphu Thromde is set to introduce parking fees at the Changlimithang parking space.

The Changlimithang parking space is a huge space starting from Thimphu Dzongkhag Office till the end of Coronation Park in the south.

Thimphu Thromde has discussed and decided to manage the Changlimithang parking space in an appropriate manner, which will ensure uniform and fair use of the available space and also provide business opportunities to the private sector, employment and some revenue to Thromde.

Thromde office shared that this space management is not clearly given to any single agency due to the use of the stadium and events. However, it is under municipality which allows them to make any related decisions.

While some parking spaces in the north side which is in front of Thimphu Dzongkhag area are already outsourced and fees are being collected. Thromde observed that due to these collections in the north side, many vehicles are parked towards south to avoid paying fees rarely leaving space for the sports organization, such as Tennis Federations, Football, Volleyball and Archery Federation to park their vehicles.

As and when the sports agencies organize regional and international sports events, it falls on the Thromde office and Traffic Police to arrange proper parking space for the events, but they face challenges to clear the space.

Also, Thromde said that infrastructure developments, such as maintenance of potholes, blacktopping and all related activities are covered by them.

Also, an EV charging station with space is allocated for electric cars. However, many random vehicles are seen using the parking for the whole day, especially people working in core areas of town and vendors.

Trucks, DCMs and Boleros transporting goods are seen using the space to their convenience as goods transfer stations.

In total, there are 323 parking slots in Changlimithang, 6 slots are dedicated for disabled people and two wheelers.

The total revenue, estimated at Nu 10 per 30 minutes parking, is approximately Nu 87,600 per annum per slot with 100 percent occupation.

Thimphu Thromde has already started bidding process and many have come inquiring.

Going forward, Thromde office suggests that every office should be mindful to build and allocate enough parking space for their employees to park their vehicles. 

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