2019: MoLHR’s plans to start programs to eventually bring down youth unemployment to 9 percent

The labour minister Lyonpo Ugyen Dorji, since the first day after assuming the responsibility has emphasized that his top priority for the 12th FYP is to reduce youth unemployment issue in the country by bringing the number down to 9 percent from the existing 12.3 percent. In order to realize the target, the ministry has set numerous tentative activities in the first year.

The labour ministry has plans to review the national human resource development policy 2010 in order to make it more proactive, dynamic, inclusive and comprehensive and at the same time, the provide clearer guidance to the HRD policies in the different sectors of the economy.

The National Graduate Orientation Program (NGOP) which is organized every year with objective of educating the graduates on the policies, basic culture and tradition of the country, and instigating positive outlook on life will be restructured and implemented as National Service Program from 2019, where more inclusive and productive learning activities will be incorporated.

The labour ministry will also carry out the long term skill need assessments.

Employer Registration System will also be initiated where all employers (non-civil service sectors) from the nine sectors and the government agencies that the ministry has identified. The government agencies and sectors will come together and will be the responsible of creating certain number of jobs in each sector.

The government will initiate relocation of Technical Training Institute (TTI) and Institute of Zorig Chusum in the capital to Serbithang and also initiate Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) database system to organize and manage large amount of information within a single software application to formulate plans accordingly.

Dual Training Program (DTP) in masonry and carpentry in the construction sector will be implemented.

Lyonpo Ugyen Dorji, during the recent meet the press said, “We will also work with corporate and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and we are expecting to create about 67,000 jobs over the next five years. On the other side, around 70,000 new job seekers are projected to enter the job market but we have additional 11,000 job seekers who have already entered the job market- so in total we have around 82,000 job seekers in the market, of which we are expecting that 67,000 jobs will be created through collaboration and coordination with the public sectors and the corporate sectors”.

“DNT has outlined its plans in the manifesto on jobs and livelihood. We are not so much for change within the ministry as we are for improvements within the wider societal context. Five years down the line, we would like to have contributed significantly towards solving problems related to employment and labour,” said the labour minister in an earlier interview.

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