Gyaltsuen graces celebration of 25 years of the Treaty to protect the ozone layer

Her Majesty the Gyaltsuen graced the national celebration of 25 years since the signing of the international treaty to protect the Ozone layer as the Chief Guest in Her capacity as the Ozone Ambassador.

At the event, which was attended by ministers, dignitaries from United Nations, and senior civil servants, Her Majesty expressed gratitude to world leaders, governments, and extraordinary people who have contributed greatly towards the common goal of overturning the depletion of the ozone layer.

“I would like to thank many people, our people, individuals across the country. They are teachers, civil servants, experts, entrepreneurs and young students. Their concern, their passion and genuine commitment and contribution are invaluable,” Her Majesty said.

Her Majesty also added there is still much to be done. “What we would like to see is our Ozone work have multiple benefits to the environment, such as combating climate change through the practical and simple way of being energy efficient.”

A Plaque of recognition was offered by UNEP to Her Majesty and the people of Bhutan in appreciation of the country’s contribution to the Montreal Protocol goals.

Her Majesty was presented the Ozone Ambassadorship by the UNEP in May 2012 at the Regional celebration of the Montreal Protocol’s 25th anniversary in Thimphu which was attended by delegates from over 30 countries.

In the afternoon, Her Majesty also visited Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School where she addressed the students on their role in protecting the Ozone layer.  Her Majesty visited several schools in Thimphu in the last few weeks as part of the advocacy program for Ozone protection.

After 25 years since the signing of the international treaty to protect the Ozone layer, Bhutan together with 196 nations of the world celebrate this global success as people commemorate the International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer on 16 September 2012.

The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer is the multilateral environmental agreement hailed many times as one of the most successful international agreements. The success of this treaty is seen as truly remarkable because after 25 years, it has achieved 98% phase-out of the historical production and consumption of Ozone depleting chemicals, the universal ratification of the 197 nation states and the apparent recovery of the ozone layer.

“Among all the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, Bhutan is truly a shining example because the country has committed to take an extra mile and accelerate the phase out of Ozone damaging HCFCs by 2005 in support of the government’s policy of maintaining its carbon negativity status. In addition, her majesty’s active support as the Ozone Ambassador is helping us not only educate the citizens of Bhutan but the whole world in the importance of providing a green heritage for the future generations,” said Mr. Atul Bagai, Senior Regional Coordinator of UNEP OzonAction.


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