Multi consulting, former civil servant marks his territory in Gaselo as BKP candidate

Sonam Tobgay will represent BKP from Gaselo, Wangduephodrang

Bhutan Kuen-Ngyam Party (BKP) made news when it entered the political sphere but it never dropped a hint as to which people stood behind the veil for the party.

Last week the BKP spokesperson announced in a press conference the names of four BKP candidates, the spokesperson himself as one of the four. The BKP nevertheless has not yet revealed names of neither the president nor the general secretary.

The party spokesperson, Sonam Tobgay will stand as the BKP candidate from Gaselo, Wangduephodrang.

The 42 year old former civil servant has a Master’s in Business administration besides a B.S in agricultural economics and development.

With sixteen years of experience in the civil service he resigned in 2006 as a Chief Agriculture Negotiator in Bhutan’s Accession to the World Trade organization. From there he worked with different UN agencies and also became a full time independent consultant working closely with numerous countries.

Currently he manages his own consulting firm dealing with research interests in the fields of trade policy and also environment related projects including poverty alleviation.

While as an international consultant he worked on Valuation of livestock production in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region; a regional study conducted in Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal in 2011.

Apart from various works as a national consultant, one of the most prominent projects was the evaluation of school feeding policy in Bhutan focusing on World Food Program Policy and the operations and activities. Add to this he is currently developing a transition strategy for the royal government of Bhutan toward continuing school feeding in schools in Bhutan after the exit of the World Food Program (WFP) in 2018.

Asked about the reasons for joining politics, he said that it is a moral responsibility to give back to the society as people has gotten so much from the country in the form of free education and having a good leadership in His Majesty the king. “We feel that there is a need to give back to the society, “he said.

He said to set democracy in the right direction people should engage in the process and not feel indifferent about politics. He stressed on his concern for the sustainability of the parties who had not made it in either the ruling or the opposition party.

“We are not prepared to disallow ourselves on pursuing the cause on public service; we owe this back to our country and our people,” he said.

The BKP in its recent conference revealed that there will be four women members  as well. However if rumors are to be considered then one of the women candidates will be soon resigning from the Royal Audit Authority and word has also proliferated that one of the candidates will be a People’s Democratic Party (PDP) member who contested in the 2008 elections.


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  1. Can’t help but laugh at such people participating in parties

  2. This well intended party should look for party president who is genuinely Bhutanese and can see Bhutanese problems combined with altruistic and compassinate for those Bhutanese in rural areas.

  3. Any one interested to join this party as candidate should visit their constituencies and find out where things went wrong in the name of development merely to garner votes by our so called selfish politicians. The farm road alignments and quality constructions coupled with massive destruction of our fragile environnment caused due to lack of monitoring and evaluation are some of the lessons worth learning.

  4. U can laugh as much as u can as it manifests element of GNH.

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