Fightback and Hope

There is no doubt that the nation is facing a series of challenges from the post pandemic economic downturn to the migration of many youths abroad.

It is easy to be cynical and give into hopelessness, but this is not helpful and not what the people and nation need.

While we have to be cognizant of our challenges, we must not despair. 

In this regard, let us take the 117th National Day as a turning point where we not only take a stand against despair and pessimism, but also launch a strong fight back.

To change we have to be honest with ourselves. The problems faced by Bhutan now are only a continuation and evolution of our natural setbacks and perennial issues like our mountainous geography, land locked nature, small population and hence small market and our stage of development. Add to this is our complacency despite warning signs in rising youth unemployment figures etc.

No matter which government comes or goes, we will continue to face the same problems forever if we do not fight back.

Change or the fight back can only come at two levels.

The first and foremost is to change our mindset of accepting the above limitations and giving up without a fight.

The second change required is an ability to think big and come up with innovative solutions despite our challenges.

Truth be told, it is only His Majesty The King who has been leading at both levels.

While the Gelephu Mindfulness City is the most important national project, His Majesty’s fightback is visible with the Bitcoin mining project and it is delivering great results for Bhutan.

While the GMC is yet to take off, Bhutan’s success in Bitcoin mining shows that we have the ability to execute large sophisticated projects under the leadership of a wise King, provided we are united, steadfast and open to change.

The Bitcoin mining project also shows that if we play to our natural advantages and move fast to secure global niche areas, then the sky is the limit.

This National Day let us all recognize the big challenges before us, but instead of despairing we must unite together behind our King in overcoming these challenges.

Let us work with one purpose and as one team with the hope and determination to succeed.

Pelden Drukpa Gyelo

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