In the party’s news release yesterday, Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) has criticized the government’s 100 days pledges. “As a Bhutanese, one should receive the right information on the achievements of the government, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has unfortunately failed,” the news release read.
The release states that as a constitutional duty of political parties, DNT has assessed the performance of the PDP and its 100 days pledges. It further states that the purpose of assessment was made as to ensure that “national interests prevail over all other interests and that our people must benefit from the actions of their elected government”.
However, DNT hasn’t provided a detailed analysis of specific pledges claimed to have fulfilled by the government or any rebuttal on the list of partially fulfilled promises.
It only said PDP has unfortunately failed, which is a breach of trust that people have laid in them, and that DNT and that the government’s 100 days pledges is “superficial and misleading”.
DNT also questioned “if media reports on the percentages of pledges achieved or not is right?” DNT stated fulfilling pledges is not important and if political parties should make such pledges and whether the pledges are connected to the greater interest of the nation.
“Shouldn’t government marshal its resources and energies in charting greater and vivid pathways that will culminate in the realization of greater national goals rather than being guided by a ‘To do checklist” in the vital first 100 days of its taking the helm of affairs?” the party news release stated.
The DNT press release also stated its appreciation to the government for valuing aspirations of the people for responsible and good governance. DNT applauded the lifting the Pedestrian Day rule, initiating the Meet-the-People program, revising the National Minimum Wage Rate, allocating Nu 2mn to all gewogs, and tabling the Right To Information (RTI) bill among others.
DNT also pointed out that some pledges made during the election campaign by the government lacked analysis. DNT stated that “as responsible citizens, people should have analyzed the nature of these pledges made by different political parties. DNT shares the concern that as a political party one should strengthen democracy through responsible politicking.”