Investing in GMC and Bhutan

A foreign investor may wonder why should they invest in the Gelephu Mindfulness City (GMC) or Bhutan for that matter.

Bhutan, after all, is a small landlocked country located in the Eastern Himalayas with a very small population. Not the ideal case for an investment pitch.

However, a few decades ago the World bank took a look at the nascent post-war South Korea and asked it to grow rice.

It might similarly be tempting to ask Bhutan to focus on tourism and niche products.

Again, a few decades ago, Singapore was a backwater with large parts of the island hosting slums, poverty, communal strife and disease and newly rejected by Malaysia. Many foreign experts wondered about its very existence.

What is similar to South Korea and Singapore is a determined people aiming to do better in a collective will that is forged harder than steel, and a driven leadership which makes the right strategic moves.

Bhutan has not had a war or a separation like the above two, but we have endured our own trauma with large numbers of young people leaving the country in the last few years for better prospects abroad.

This, more than anything else, has jolted us from our state of complacency and now there is a strong desire and will to do much better.

Bhutan is also fortunate to have a very worldly and strategic leadership in His Majesty The King who has a strong knack for spotting opportunities.

It was under His Majesty’s leadership that a poor country with limited technology built the fourth largest holding of Bitcoins in the world (as a country) through eco-friendly mining. 

The small size of Bhutan is an advantage as decisions can be taken quickly and in an agile manner. The small and united population is a blessing as there is a united purpose of the people and leadership to achieve the same outcomes and so there is no confusion or hesitation.

The location is a major attraction located in a market of 2 billion people just in South Asia and even more in South East Asia which is also nearby.

Bhutan and GMC offer very lucrative and innovative investment opportunities and those who get in early will get it cheaper and make the highest returns. At the same time it is not just any ordinary investment but an idea whose time has come.

“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.”Robert Arnott

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