Private Sector’s Proposal for private sector engagement in 13th plan

The private sector is spearheading the development of a Proposal on Private Sector Engagement in the 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP). This initiative is aligned with the plan’s vision to adopt a ‘government-facilitated, private sector-led’ growth model, as outlined under the Economic Development Cluster. The ultimate aim is to position the private sector as the “engine of growth” for Bhutan’s economic development.

The proposal development is being led by the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) with support from the Voice for Green Change Partnership (V4GCP) project, funded by the European Union and coordinated by the Handicrafts Association of Bhutan (HAB). The BCCI Committee of Sector Associations (BCSA), a private-sector think tank, is at the helm of the initiative. The BCCI is engaging a broad spectrum of private sector associations and economic groups, both formal and informal, to collaboratively draft the proposal.

The document will outline the private sector’s contributions to the 13th FYP’s national programs and strategies.

“Our objective is to support the government in realizing the goals of the 13th FYP, particularly those that involve our sector,” said Tandy Wangchuk, President of BCCI.

Khampa, Project Management Specialist said, “Our project aims to empower the private sector—particularly CSIs (cottage and small industries)—to engage meaningfully in policy and governance processes.”

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