
When it comes to education in Bhutan the discussion these days centers around teacher shortage, Dzongkha, board results, STEM subjects, Humanities, exams etc.

In all of the above, important matters like student welfare, mental health, a safe school space and well-being of students is ignored or not given priority.

While bullying does not happen only in Bhutan, it is a matter of shame for us that a young class 7 student in Thimphu was bullied so much that he decided to take his own young life. This is also not the first case of its kind.

It is a matter of concern that the boy’s teachers and school system was oblivious to this as shown in their clueless report to the Thromde Education office.

In a small country and small society where we all know each other this level of pain and injustice was allowed to go on for too long.

The fact that the boy was relentlessly teased over the colour of his father’s skin and his father’s elderly age says a lot more about us as a society then we may want to admit.

The victim’s family alleges that money was extorted from the victim by bullies showing the values such students hold.

Students are not robots, but human beings, and it is time the education system, teachers, parents and society take a closer look at what is happening.

The school’s report is not acceptable. The RBP should investigate the matter in depth and even if the perpetrators are minors they should be held accountable under the applicable laws. It is obvious that the bullying was going on for a while and it was getting worse.

The school must also be held accountable as one life lost is too many.

The education system instead of just chasing and talking literal numbers should ensure there is zero tolerance on bullying, do some soul searching and come up with ways to ensure student welfare and safety.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.
Theodore Roosevelt

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