Four men were arrested by Thimphu police in connection to bullying a man. A 24-year-old bully (main suspect) was arrested from Tala, Gedu on the night of 28th June and was escorted to Thimphu police station on 29 June. Towards the evening, they could arrest three more who was with him during the time of incident.
Police said that, though they did not receive any complaint from the victim’s family, they immediately started the investigation since the clip got viral on social media towards the evening of 28th June.
In the clip the bully asks the victim to kiss his shoe and later the victim was asked to prostrate before him for three times. In addition, the victim was slapped several times.
The bully told the police that he did not post the video and one of his friends must have done it.
A RBP official said, “Henceforth, if we see anything like this, even if the victim won’t come forward to complain, we will nab the culprits as this is a criminal offence.”
In addition, the police clarified that the incident did not take place within the Royal Thimphu College saying the incident took place away from RTC premises, in Ngabephu, which is on the way to RTC.
The suspect was a 2016 graduate from RTC while the victim is a first year student of RTC and the incident took place one month ago. Police said that, they did not meet with the victim but the case is under investigation.