RAA presents Annual Audit Report with Nu 3.9 bn in irregularities

The Annual Audit Report (AAR) 2023-24 of the Royal Audit Authority (RAA) was presented to the Parliament, and tabled during the joint sitting of the Second Session of the Fourth Parliament on 10th December 2024.

The report provides an overview of the audits conducted from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024, highlighting key financial matters, irregularities, and corrective actions taken.

The approved budget of the Royal Government of Bhutan for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 was Nu 74.8 billion which was revised to Nu 77 billion.

The sources of the revised government budget comprised 67.64% from domestic revenue, 14.% from grants, 14.32% from net borrowings, and 3.85% from other receipts.

 The RGoB resorted to net internal borrowings amounting to Nu 3.9 billion to finance its expenses besides external borrowings of Nu 16 billion.

During the FY 2023-24 the RAA issued 525 Audit Reports. 

The Annual Audit Report 2023-24 was compiled from 228 audit reports containing irregularities amounting to Nu 3.9 billion of which 58.43% pertained to non-budgetary agencies and 41.57% pertained to budgetary agencies.

The irregularities for budgetary and non-budgetary agencies for Fraud and Corruption amounted to 15.7 million Nu, Non-compliance to Laws, Rules & Regulations amounted to 2,208 million Nu, and Shortfalls, Lapses and Deficiencies to 1,736 million Nu.

The agency with the highest fraud and corruption cases with a corresponding amount of Nu 4.378 million was the Dzongkhag Administration, Pemagatshel including Dungkhag and Gewogs.

The agency with the highest cases of non-compliance to laws, rules and regulations was the Department of Infrastructure (MoIT) with a corresponding amount of Nu 344 million followed by STCBL with Nu 328.7 million and PHPA II with 152.7 million.

The agency with the highest cases of shortfalls, lapses and deficiencies was PHPA II with a corresponding amount of Nu 551.3 million and SMCL with Nu 497 million.

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